Flasher relay replacement


On a difficulty scale of 1-10, this is about a 2.

Like many other parts on a 23 year old car, the thermal relay that cycles the turn signals and emergency flashers gets tired. Symptoms include slow cycling of turn signals and emergency flashers, and occasional drop out of the dash indicator when they're on. Seeing the complex and delicate mechanism you can imagine how it might start to wear:

At my local NAPA they sell an electronic replacement relay, part# EL-13. The stock relay has terminals labeled "+ P L" and the EL-13 uses "X P L". The relays are similar in diameter, but the EL-13 is a little shorter.

Using the PL-13 in the stock location results in slightly faster, absolutely regular cycling of the turn signals. A nice side effect is the click of the relay is a little louder. I like this feature because I can hear the relay over the usual volume of my stereo (not that loud) and it will help reduce the times I leave the signal on. There are many easy turns around my home that don't allow the turn signal to self-cancel. This way I won't look like an old man, forever turning right.

Oh and only $10. That's only 2.3 lattés. :thumbsup:
Yeah. :rolleyes:

Still wishing I'd thought to ask on here about 'electronic' replacements before I went to the trouble of rewiring mine!
I did mention it, you may have already been in process when I posted. I went to an electronic on my 850 as its electrical system has always been just barely adequate and an electronic one gives a great signal even with relatively low voltage.