'77 X for sale, all parts included, $750


Low Mileage
I have a 1977 X19 that has been a long term back burner project that health issues force an immediate sale. I have more than all the parts to complete the resoration including, rebuilt carb in box, new front turn signals (including what's currently on the car), new windshield rubber, extra passenger headlight motor, too many to list. There may be $750 in parts alone, this just has to be gone asap. Much of the work was done with POR-15 products and the ignition wiring has just been replaced (the color coding has also been maintained). The sale also includes what I believe is every service manual published in english as well 503-798-0328

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Sounds like a fair offer for someone. Do you know the state of the mechanics and have any interior pics?
The mechanics are uncertain, I haven't gotten there yet. The ignition wiring was a mess and I just finnished replacing it and the wiring to the gas gauge. I can say it turns over fine and doesn't leak oil. I'm not able to do the work anymore and reinstalling the pedal assembly (which btw has been rebuilt using POR-15 marine class epoxy paint) was not done right and the brake MC isn't working properly. If someone were to take the time to actually look at what is offered here, I doubt they'd think to quibble over the cost.
I priced this to essentially be a steal, I don't have the strength or the time to mess with it. There is a stack of boxed parts included and all the factory manuals. Again, time and strength don't allow. Here are some pictures 'as is', although putting the steering column back is kind of a must. If I have to junk this car I will get a friend to help me strip it as much as possible and my kid or someone can deal with that mess after I'm gone.

Started as more of a rust pail :)

I learned about POR-15 products shortly before getting this car, it had all the usual rust. The floorboards, pedal assembly, trunk and interior front boot, hood nose and engine compartment, engine cover and support rod(s) hood and trunk lid, radiator pipes uncut and coated inside and out, all are coated in POR-15 paint, putty, or POR patch seam sealer. The drivers side has new wheel bearings and tie-rod end and lower control arm, the passenger side stuff (same) is still in the box, new front calipers and set of 4 front brake hoses (2extra)and 2 rear hoses still in box, too many boxed parts to complete this car project than I can list. I really hate to have to quit this far into the project (it's been 9 years since I bought the car) but I cannot continue. I just put it back down on the gararge floor yesterday and if no one is interested, in a couple of weeks I'll strip it and junk it. My deadline for it being gone is June 15th. Everyone who knows what's going on in my life thinks I'm crazy to even care what happens to this "stupid little car." perhaps they're right and my perspective is lost, but it has been a lot of time and work. I bought it as a project to work on after my wife passed away and I'm just that slow (translate; poor single parent) and tenacious. Thought maybe someone would snap it up and finnish it, or some other X.
2nd thought??

IMO I wouldn't part with it. Sounds like you love it and, if you do, and you have health issues, it could be one of the only things that makes you get up each day. I feel that way about Shirley..... If she wasn't in the garage....I might perish.

Nothing silly about survival.
Thank you, in the past it has been exactly like that. It has been a private ambition and the most daunting mechanical challenge of my life (so far). I'm not necessarily mechanically inclined, I'm an artist and a tinkerer. I tried to put the pedal assembly back and messed it up somehow, I just don't have the physical strength to continue with it. It's never seen a real mechanic (yet), I had planned on doing the electrical and hydrolic systems and then get it to a shop if I couldn't get it running after that. In 9 years this car has come a long way and more than all the parts to put it back to original (including the horns) have been collected (with the possible exception of new rear calipers). I have to move so if I can't find a buyer I'll strip the plastics and everything else that I can, and it will be hauled away for scrap. If I believed there was another way, I'd probably take it. I didn't fail, I just ran out of time and energy. Of course, the world is full of talented artists, but this is a self-portrait in charcoal that I was leveraged into doing about 5 yrs ago, the original is 16x20".
All of the loose parts are now in my garage. Hopefully, the rest of the car will be there by the end of next week.

CORRECTION: The car is now sitting in my garage, much to my wife's car's dismay.

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Sorry to hear KarenT had to part with her X.
Glad that Alan was able to pick it up. Hope he can stay outta trouble with Mrs Tipo158 :eek: