1978 PBS 128-X1/9 Information
The following is very old material.  It is no longer published by PBS, so it does not represent their current views and practices!  It is for informational purposes only!

Thanks to Mark Oliverio who sent me this information!

There are 14 pages.  I have saved the text pages as GIFs and the pages with photos as JPEGs.
When clicked on directly, the pages will open up very large, but also very readable.  If you run 1024x768 screen resolution, you should be able to just fit one column of text on the screen for easy reading.  Alternatively, you can download the pages and read them in a program such as Photoshop where you can scale the pages to your liking.
The easiest way to read them may be to print them.  Make sure to select landscape printing though.

If you have a slow connection (modem), you can just look at the dyno graphs (they are on page 3).

2  Picture of 1300 with PBS 16V DOHC head
4  Picture of 1100 race engine
6 Picture of FI 16V engine
12  Drawing of DOHC head and pics of BV SOHC head
13  Price list 1978
14  More prices