A Useful Pothole

Michael Oxman

The Journey Begins!
So my front struts have been frozen and in need of replacing since I got the car running. I bought new front struts a few weeks ago, and the spring compressing tool is coming on Saturday.

I just took the car on a quick run to the post office, and after going over a pothole I hear a ghastly moan, but no feeling of any impact. As I'm driving I realize it was the front struts breaking free. Car runs smoothly now. First time I was ever happy to hit a pothole!!
Hah. When I was 17 or so, I backed up while turning and just tagged a small parking lot pole (like, one of those vehicle high poles to prevent you from driving onto a grass area or pathway. It hit the front corner of my bumper and sort of pulled it away from the car. Well that sucked.

About 6 months later I was getting off of the freeway heading to my parents house. The exit was slightly uphill and then crested a hill to a right hand dipped downhill before it got to the line at the red light. There was a car sitting there at the red light and I came off the exit and over that hill just a tad too fast considering it had been raining and the road was oily/slippery a bit. As I hit the brakes it was like oh boy and I JUST ever so slightly hit the rear of the car that was sitting at the light.

I got out, apologized. We looked at his car, not a single scratch. Looked back at my car, and my bumper was completely fixed, straight as could be. haha.