In about an hour and a half we successfully dropped the column and pedal cluster where we ran across a very special modified bolt. unsure of the reason we decided to put back an original bolt. At this point we figured that an APB would have to be put out on the forum to see if someone had a spare X1/9 master cylinder bolt. Those are special and very long. Not something one can get at a hardware store. My dad suggested that I go look in one of the bolt bins we brought back from Georgia. (When loading the truck in the rain, these bins were very heavy and I said more than one time that we should just leave them behind. My dad insisted that we bring them.) Much to my surprise, right on top of the first bin I looked in was a pair of X1/9 master cylinder bolts, Go figure! But he did forget to bring a 8mm wrench home to bleed the clutch. That's all we have left at this