Latest Palin take on history ...

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I don't care for Palin, but she wasn't too far from correct on Paul Revere. I think this incident will blow over. But if she was worth anything, she wouldn't have resigned as Alaska's governor. Another way of looking at it is McCain was ahead in the polls by 5 points when he picked her for VP. You know the rest of of the story.

the rest of the story was the financial crisis hit, which created the "Perfect Storm" for an inexperienced guy like Obama to win the election.

In truth, I don't put much stock in Sarah Palin... a little goes a long way... she's seriously overexposed... yada yada, but the people - media, The Left, Washington Beltway playahs, etc. - who have trashed/continue to trash her, her husband and even her children I have even less regard for.

Just imagine the Obama's beautiful children being put through the shredder like Palin's kids... the American people wouldn't stand for it and rightly so.
That says it all...

I don't care for Palin
Here is a person not running for office, just doin their own thing and EVERYONE is talking about her. Why all the hate? Sounds like a lot of people have an agenda and are in fear that she might upset the program.
Personally I am not really interested in the whole issue.
Bob T.
Maybe her just 'doing her own thing'....

with the potential for being a spoiler is the problem. If she is not angling for some stake in the 2012 election, then exactly what is she is up to? The most obvious thing is to cash in on her base of voters in some way. How is beyond me short of floating a Tea Party candidancy. Hard to imagine a serious Republican candidate offering a VP slot.
The evidence would suggest

that she loves campaigning and hates holding public office. If she campaigns but doesn't file for the position she doesn't have to worry about being elected. Some would say she doesn't have to worry about being elected in any case. However, those same people seem to be pretty worried about her being elected.:confuse2:
Yeah, it's a good point...

there does seem to be a contradiction there. Maybe it is just the presence of a loose cannon that gets everyone edgy. She is one Rummy's "known unknowns" which still isn't a certain thing. Her negatives are so high now she is more of a problem for the GOP than for the Democrats. The latest pole I saw was 64% wouldn't vote her.
Another suggested that 38% of Republicans "would not vote for her under any circumstances" -which may just be some liberal fever dream poll-who knows.
So it is kind of hard to understand both her lack of overall appeal and the trepidation she inspires:confuse2::confuse2:
Part of the La Palin problem...

is precisely the confusion over her intentions and more to the point whether her intentions line up with any possible reality. She would almost certainly kill the Republican's chances of beating Obama because so many GOP voters would stay home and not vote (so they say now anyway) and she is so detested by Democrats that they would come out in huge numbers to vote against her(so they say now) leaving the GOP to fall through the cracks. The latter of those scenarios has some historic backing in that a fair number of Democrats went to the polls to vote against her(for Obama) in the last election and that was just for VP. So if she is running she needs to find a party on whose ticket she can run-either the Tea Party actually steps up or for some reason the GOP decides to commit suicide and nominate her. In any case right now she is just running around gathering attention just because, um, what else does she really have to do? She might make an effort to run but IMHO she is much more interested in the income generation from all this than in actually trying to be President. She has a huge burden in the eyes of many in that she bailed out of her elected position as govenor of Alaska half way into her term to go out on the $100,000 per gig lecture circuit and to become one more million dollar braying donkey in Rupert Murdoch's stable.
Also Ron Paul's run for the GOP nomination could take some wind out of her sails too-if far right of center voters want someone to make a statement he seems much more credible and has some real fund raising prowess. Sarah can raise money but it remains to be seen if she could raise real money.
Obama killed the myth that there is any such thing as an "unelectable" candidate. She could run, win the nomination and go onto win the general as easily as anyone depending on the timing and mood of the country. At this point it looks unlikely but that doesn't mean much.
I'm not sure that is the lesson...

to take from Obama's election. Now that so many people are down on him for one reason or another, his appeal to the moderats and independents is being forgotten. It seems far more likely for a figure like Obama, who's only clear distinction from other candidates was his race, to motivate the center and independent voter than someone like Palin who's whole persona is tied up in being radical and roguish. There is a reason for her consistently high negatives. As far as timing goes, that's set and it's about 18 months away.
For whatever use polls are they show Obama beating her by 20 points and Beating Romney by 7%. I suspect that Romney's numbers will look better and better and hers worse as things go along. Her only leverage on the GOP is with the very right wing of the party and if she stays out there she will be no more popular than she is now, if she moves to the center she may keep her base (because apparently she can do no wrong in their book-(see Alaska windfall oil profit tax ) but why would the moderates join in when there are so many center right folks like Romney and Huntsman? Sheer personality?:confuse2:
Neither Romney or Huntsman have any chance at the nomination. Palin is less radical and out of the mainstream than Obama by a fair amount. I realize that isn't the perception right now but in politics perceptions can turn quickly based on events. Palin has a better chance at the nomination than any of the current "front runners". I think Pawlenty or Cain have the best shot at this point.
can we say

george soros and media matters. the only reason she left her office is that she was being sued .
Well, time will tell...

but I don't agree. It may be someone other than the current crop but some big money has to raised and gotten into the electioneering machine and so far she just hasn't done much organizing. It's true anything can happen, but that doesn't mean it will. Besides the amount heat she generates may not be equal to the amount of light.
I have been wondering...

...if she is SO unpopular, why are thousands of people still showing up everywhere she goes, and why does the media feel the need to chase her around? She draws bigger crowds than "O" does, in some cases. If she weren't newsworthy...why is she mentioned in the news daily?
You can be unpopular and still have a huge following if unpopular means that most people don't like you. You could say she is popular because she has huge loyal following and that would be accurate. You could say she is unpopular because most people don't like her and that would also be accurate.
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