Latest Palin take on history ...

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We just may get a case of both in an uphill battle that leads to nowhere - at least not anywhere good. The very fact that there is even debate about whether Palin or Obama makes a better/worse choice to lead this country, which does have a worldwide effect, is pretty telling in and of itself. There have to be better choices than these.
The problem is that unless you want to spend trillions of dollars on unsustainable social programs and/or spend trillion sending troops all over the world just because we can you are a "fringe" "extremist". So Palin or Obama are the best we can get because they are "mainstream". The whole concept of what is "extreme" has been turned on its head.
It's more basic than all that....

This whole thing about O vs P is both premature and slightly beside the point. Sarah's bus, both literally and figuratively, could go over a cliff tomorrow. Obama, like any incumbent is not going to just be campaigning against his opponent but also will be making a defence of his first term. He has to answer the uber-question that faces any incumbent President " ...are we better off than we were four years ago.." Regardless of who he is running against it looks like he is losing out to that question. His biggest problem in this regard, I think, is that he took a very pro-active and interventionist approach to the recession-he continued the Hank Paulson bailout of the banks wihout any real attempt to back off despite the overwhelming opposition of the people; he interfered, arguably needlessly, in the bailout of Detroit again contrary to the prevailing winds; he undertook the 'stimulus' spending in a way that almost guaranteed it would be only marginally helpful at tremendous cost and worse, actually pegged performance to it (unemployment under 8%, GDP growth of 3-4%, save or create 3 million jobs). He promised to close Gitmo and halt military tribunals; he escalted the war in Afghanistan etc etc Let's not even mention the Trojan Horse of Health Care Reform
The bill of particulars is pretty long against him on the "..better off.." test. So that is a bigger problem than who specifically runs against him because all of that is available to any of them. He is in the unenviable and untenable postition of having to run on something like " would have been a lot worse without me.." Terrible stance to have to take-both unproveable and easily countered by "..oh no it wouldn't .." Who, including he, can prove a counter event.
If Palin were to be his opponent the whole thing would almost certainly become a persoanlity contest on top of all of that for the great mass of unaligned voters. They would have his record and his defence of it to look at and in her case her attacks on him and the leftists in general and what she would have done different etc, etc, but that's about it. She has no great track record except as a media personality-her bailing out of high elected post will be shoved down her throat at every opportunity, her engineering of the windfall profit oil tax will be too. And that will be in her battle with other Republicans. She would be forced to run on ideology alone and maybe that could work but there isn't much evidence that it would, other, essentially lame candidates for the Tea Party didn't do too well in the mid terms. Rand Paul did well because he and his dad have been coherent, consistent and serious, she hasn't been any of those things; and the Pauls are too extreme for most voters.
I think that's a pretty accurate assessment. Personally I think the GOP should just go for broke and nominate Ron Paul.
Can't say I would vote for him...

but the debates would be informative and I do respect his consistent adherence to his principles. He has a major hurdle in his own party to get over, that being his opposition to the militarization of our foreign policy and to overspending on the Pentagon in general.
He would essentially be a president without a party once in office-local politics would swamp his idelogical ship I'm afraid-it has all through his career in Congress-he is in opposition to virtually everyone. :sad:
I have been staying out of this...but

Now I will speak up.

Let me start by saying that I have lived in Alaska since 2003 this time around and a total of 17 years.

For me professionally, I really like Palin. I have around 40 shots of her on the campaign for Governor, as Governor, and as a VP Candidate. So whenever she makes the news, good or bad, normally bad, I get emails and phone calls for photos. She makes me money. Which is nice. I do not like her attitude towards the media. She demonizes all of us for asking any questions. I watched her belittle a local radio news reporter for asking her a simple question after her TLC show was canceled. "What are you going to do now?" He meant it as, the show is over, are you going to run for president, are you going to do another book? and her response started off with "None of your business. You do not need to know if I am going to go shopping, or take the family to dinner, you are not going to follow me around." We were all just kind of dumbfounded with that response.

For me personally, I was so glad when she was making a run for VP. It meant that she was no longer in my state. Originally, thinking back to the quality VP's we have had like Dan Quayle, I saw no issues with her becoming VP. Most likely she would do something stupid and kill her political career and that would be the end of it. To me, her voice is nauseating. Worse than finger nails on a blackboard. If she would run, America would be ok though. There are plenty of bumper stickers here in Alaska on cars that say "Palin - 2012-2014 1/2" So, we would only have to deal with her half a term before someone asked her a question that she can not answer and quits.

Her show was a political campaign show intent on bringing her idiotic beliefs to the rest of America. While the show was visually stunning, she killed it.
A little thought would tell you...

that the unfunded liablity is the same uphill battle for everyone-so what's that got to do with Obama in particular. It isn't as if Sarah is going to wipe it out with her magic wand (or her broomstick)the day she parks the bus on the White House lawn. Nor will anyone else, short of a dictator (which, I admit I could see her as).
It was Carl Auer...

bashing Quayle, but only because he got there before me. Dan is kind of in the public domain as nitwit-in-chief isn't he? He would be the ideal running mate for Sarah. Has there ever been someone who was VP under entirely different administrations (if that word could even be applied to whatever Palin would be running)?
It matters not

who it was. This ongoing vitriol for one woman is twisted... there... I said it.

I also find it's usually best to not share every thought that canters through one's head, especially if one has nothing good to say about a person. Humor is one thing, but there is nothing humorous about this... is there? :brow:
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You're right there isn't anything ....

humorous about her. She is anything but.

Don't see this kind of defence raised for the POTUS when he is called a clown. I guess clowns are funny by definition, though.

you didn't hear that description from me. That's wrong, as well.

I would expect that if a thread on President Obama devolved into cheapshots, slander and vitriol, it would be capped/locked... and with good reason. This partisan personality bashing does nothing to further honest discussion of the issues of the day.

BTW... the word is spelled "defense" here stateside.
What constitutes an honest..

discussuion of the issues. And I have seen a lot of unlocked bashing off Obama in here over the last couple of years. And what's the point of making a point of an anglicized spelling-that you know the difference-or is it just a bit of latent xenophobia or America firstism or what? That's an honest discussion of the issues of the day.

Besides which, I consider Palin bashing a public service.
Okay, everyone's had a chance to weigh in. Props to all for being quite civil and showing restraint, but I sense some teetering...
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