moved: quick jump to top arrow

Pete Whitstone

True Classic
We seem to have lost the little "top" button that appears in my browser in the lower right when I'm at the end of a thread. It allowed a quick jump to the top where the "New Post" button was so the next thread could be selected. Can that be configured back, or is it gone for good?
It shows up for me (using Chrome on Ubuntu) when I use the scroll wheel on my mouse to srcoll down the page. As soon as I reverse direction and start scrolling up, the arrow appears for a few seconds before auto auto hiding. If I start scrolling up again, arrow returns.

Edit: Similar behavior with Chrome on Android
I see it on the Brave browser, which I believe is also Chromium based.
Ah I see it now, thanks. Yeah it's not there all the time. Plus, I was looking for the word "top", not an up arrow.

New forum looks good, thanks for your hard work on it! I'm sure it will take a little getting used to. For me, anyway...🙄
I had the same experience. Seems to pop up when I begin to scroll up. Also a few things are located in different locations on the page. Taking a little getting used to, but overall I agree with @Pete Whitstone, looks good. Thanks to those that make this forum happen.