xweb site links with www prefix not loading?


belle macchine!
Spotted an oddity in the post below where the two "this post" links fail "Page could not be loaded" - presumably they used to/should do and there's more about. The www prefix needs to be removed for the page to load. Possibly a server RewriteCond/RewriteRule not handling the $1 after the recent server move/update?

also seen here:

Could well be that. There was a lot of baggage left over from the .org domain days, and I simplified some dns entries too. Will take a look when I get back to a computer soon 🙂

Thanks for the heads-up!
After much frustration with inexplicably broken rewrite rules, I discovered the problem was restricted to Chromium-based browsers. 😡
Turned out they were choking on the cert. Added www.... to the server cert and all now seems well. I wish someone would hire me for this kind of troubleshooting stuff :D
After much frustration with inexplicably broken rewrite rules, I discovered the problem was restricted to Chromium-based browsers. 😡
Turned out they were choking on the cert. Added www.... to the server cert and all now seems well. I wish someone would hire me for this kind of troubleshooting stuff :D
We need a "Pay Mark" button next to the site donation button. :)