Adding photos to the wiki


True Classic
Hi, all, I hope everyone is doing well!

I have been making pretty good progress on my Tjet swap documentation which is on our wiki, but I am having issues adding photos - I usually get the following error, regardless of what order I try to enter the information and upload the file.

I am almost certain I am the cause of the problem, but a bit stuck on what the correct solution is. Searching online hasn't yielded much. It typically happens after uploading the image file to the photo insert tool.

Here's the error:

ZdTwxDaOHEBG0xsdCDeLAAAAAAo] Exception caught: Cannot access parser properties before loading data

Here's the page:

Has anyone else run into this before?
The wiki hasn't seen any image file upload activity in quite a while, and the wikimedia version is getting a bit aged now so it may not be you :) I'll see what happens when I try it.....

[EDIT] It's not you. 😥 I get a similar though not identical error. I suspect there's some conflict between Wikimedia version/one of the extensions and PHP 8. Looks like I'm going to need to schedule some Forum/Wiki upgrade time. Sorry!
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The wiki hasn't seen any image file upload activity in quite a while, and the wikimedia version is getting a bit aged now so it may not be you :) I'll see what happens when I try it.....

[EDIT] It's not you. 😥 I get a similar though not identical error. I suspect there's some conflict between Wikimedia version/one of the extensions and PHP 8. Looks like I'm going to need to schedule some Forum/Wiki upgrade time. Sorry!
No worries at all, thank you for checking in so quickly. The forum is an awesome resource, I really appreciate your efforts to keep it running well. I'm using it for so much New 500 related info since that community has an absolute lack of safely documented information (and a lot of annoying politics!). If there's anything I can do to help, feel free to reach out any time.

No worries at all, thank you for checking in so quickly. The forum is an awesome resource, I really appreciate your efforts to keep it running well. I'm using it for so much New 500 related info since that community has an absolute lack of safely documented information (and a lot of annoying politics!). If there's anything I can do to help, feel free to reach out any time.

Hi Jon - I think the Wiki upload issue should be resolved now. :)