3 handed monkey?

Kevin B (Asheville NC)

Was getting around to reinstalling one of the elephant ears on my nice 85 x.

Wadda you gotta be to install one of these? A three handed monkey with a boner? Geez......

Anyway, it's on there, and I hope I never have to do that again :hrmph:

Well... Yes and no...

Did ya pull the access door to the headlight motor well AND then pull the headlight itself?

Then all's ya gotta do is reach in through the big old hole up front!
Hi Tony:

Uhm, nope. access panel off and headlight up, but not removed.

Put in front screw finger tight, and then to try to align teh back two holes, each of which would not allow the other to line up.

Ended up, left hand down through the hole, right hand on teh front of the elephant ear, and right leg under the bottom, manuvering and tweaking to get it to line up.....
HAHAHA... Yeah... I've been there too... next time...

Loosen the three retaining ring screws, give the ring a 1/2 turn to the left and the headlamp falls out. Unplug it and reach in from the front. The access cover basically lets in LIGHT for this operation. I think you'll find several things much easier to reach and repair this way.

Reinstalling the lamp as it was and you'll not need to realign. But also note, that pulling the lamp and reaching the adjustment ARM is easy this way also... then reinstall the lamp and retest. Sounds complicated, but in the long run, much easier.