a nice lunch out with the wife


Dennis Jones
Things just haven't worked out quite as planed today. It started out alright. Wednesday is my day off so I didn't have to get around quite as early as usual even though I did have an appointment to give blood at 9:15 this morning. The blood donation went well, the nurse had a good aim today AND I got a T-shirt. Afterward I headed over to the library where my wife works. As is typical on blood drive days, I hung around until lunchtime & Sue & I jumped in the X1/9 and headed off to the Azul Tequila, a local Mexican restaurant, for a nice lunch. The staff quickly took our order and brought us a bowl of fresh, warm tortilla chips and salsa to munch on as our food was being prepared. Just as the waiter brought our meals I noticed a guy going between the tables asking who owned the little red car out front. My first thought was that he was going to say something like "I haven't seen one of those in years, my uncle/cousin/neighbor used to have one" but no, what he really said was "come out to the parking lot, I've got something to show you." You guessed it, what he had to show me was the big dent on the front of my pretty Italian car that his super-sized pickup's trailer hitch made when he backed into it. Rats... The police arrived quickly (they were already on their way to the restaurant for lunch) to write the accident report. While one officer was talking to the truck's driver another walked around the X a couple of times looking it over then came up to me and said "I'm a MG guy, I feel your pain." When the police took all the info they needed and completed their report I went back inside to eat my lunch. The waiter was kind enough to take my food back to the kitchen to be reheated and I must say it tasted really good, but I didn't enjoy it as much as usual
I'm trying really hard to be philosophical about it. It could have been much, much worse. No one was hurt, the damage was limited to a single body panel, and the truck's driver was not only honest enough to admit that he had backed into me but also has insurance to cover the damage too. Although I feel confident in saying that this incident is not a good thing I do realize that as terrible things go it's not all that terrible. At least that's what I'm going to keep telling myself...
cheers- dj
p.s. - the first damage repair estimate is $817.48
Bummer Dennis

Doesn't look too bad, but it is still a shame. Keep your perspective, as you said it ain't "terrible". "Terrible" would have been finding the truck with it's back wheel sitting in the driver's seat.

I hope the body shop makes it good as new. Hopefully will get a chance to check out the repair at Matt's in the spring. :)
I feel your pain

I had the same thing happen to my black '80 - twice - first one a trailer ball from a buddy's truck the week after I took the bumpers off! :mad: Buddy uninsured :mad: Don't see buddy often these days... ;) Second time a (former!) roommate in a bigass dually quad extended duty cab Ford F-3trillion monster truck. Thank goodness he had the trailer hitch or he really may have just backed right over it... Glad you're ok and don't worry I think it should be fixable without too much trauma (esp with insured paying and a decent shop doing the work)... Still sucks though yeah, I feel your pain
Actually Dennis... for an accident... it was a GREAT day...

That woulda never happened in LA-LA-LAND...

You are actually severely BLESSED... and the repair will only require labor and paint, no parts... and the entire nose can be repainted removing any chips you may have acquired!

Sorry for your trouble... but don't forget to get a RENTAL of YOUR choice for the day... something COMPATABLE... like a LAMBO er sumthun!