Another BERTONE Dealership sign.

Would love to have it but...

I'd likely lose it to your bid. Ha! :devil:
Still, $2K is a bit rich for that sign IMHO
It's a nice sign, but.....

Buy it now for $4k :confused:

I enjoy my sign at a fraction of the cost. I know it's not a Bertone sign, but I like it just the same.

Rare & intact imo value should be around $1500...just imo of course :)

the Ebay ad does mention why the pricing was set as such.
Just sayin...:italia:

Auctions America 2012

Some love for FIAT...Old Alfa dealer in New Haven went oob years back I scored a new service light.

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I am really disappointed in you Greg...

You usually snap this stuff up and THEN show it to us!


Go make an offer... after all, you NEED this in your collection!
I would actually kill (OK, not literally) for that sign, but if the DW caught me spending almost as much for a sign as the car I would be hanging from the ceiling in the garage.
Yep, I made a play for it... not exactly in my neighborhood but not too far away...
But I guess I didn't offer enough.. oh well, didn't need it, but it would be cool to have.
AJ...that sign was in my backyard!

Don't let geography be a hurdle next time.
I'm at your service!

Makes me wonder where & why seller obtained it.
Tonkin Bertone was only dealer within 200 miles.

Seller has offered variety of older Volvo stuff,
but no other Bertone/Fiat least since Sept.
Perhaps it was related to Bertone topped Volvo coupe from the 80s?

Guess I oughta see about illuminating my Fiat sign,
and hope for a payday!
Well... I looked and looked at the 2 fotos...

and unless Nuccio used Holy Water, I can't see how he "blessed" them.

I shoulda known better anyway... HA!