Bloody night (NFC)


True Classic
As most know, I am a cop. I spent the first 6 years of my carreer in north St.Louis. Then 4 years in a city that had its fair share of crime, with a little bit of violent crime. In teh end of March, I took a job with a very nice dept, in a very nice city about 8 miles outside of St.Louis City.
I havent been around any really messy stuff in quite a while. Last night we were a quite busy with 2 incidents that were pretty nasty.
We had 2 family members that got into a fist fight with each other. As a result, one of the guys got screwed up pretty good. He got stabbed in the left side of his chest, which punctured his lung. The nasty part was the other wound. During the fight, he got his calf cut in half. His right claf had a horizontal cut that cut all the way through his calf from back to front. The knife didn't stop until it hit the backside of his shin. He had been drinking heavily before this event, so as a result of the alcohol thinning the blood, he damn near bled out.
The other thing was a guy that we assume was driving drunk. He hit a very big, solid old tree at a pretty good speed. When he was removed from the car, his knee was split open. The knee cap was about 8 inched above where it should be. beneath where the knee should be was a fractured shin, and a severed foot. He also shattered his pelvis. This fracture stopped ALL blood flow to the leg. As a result, hid leg will most likely have to be amputated.
On the scene, his breath didn't smell of alochol. At the hospital we tried to get a blood sample but were told no, becuase he had already lost way too much blood, and didn't have enough left in him to spare a drop.....literally.
This accident got me thinking about the holiday weekend. I know we all hear it constantly, but please dont drink and drive. Luckily this was a 1 car accident. Imagine if he had hit soemone else. Or, if that tree wasnt there, he'd have gone through a fence, and went straight into a bedroom, that was occupied by a small kid.
Sounds like that dude will have a reminder

Every day, for the rest of his life. He won't need a police record to pay the dept he'll have to pay to HIMSELF. As for the domestic dispute, not much can be said there. Genetic cleansing? Geez, do I sound harsh? :hmm:

Most of us live a different life, thankfully. It's guys like you that keep it from spilling over into more civilized folk and I thank you for doing what you do. :2c: (now that's not so harsh! :eek: )
I second that Bob.

Whenever I see a person in uniform, police officer/military/fireman/etc, at Starbucks, I always treat them to a cup of coffee and thank them for doing what they do. Also, if I'm holding a first-class upgrade at the airport and see them, I always offer to trade seats - this is usually politely declined but the gesture goes a long, long way.

Have a safe weekend everybody! And thank you for your service Jeremy!
Reminds me of two years ago today..

I saw the most horrific wreck I've ever witnessed.

A guy driving under the influence passed me on the freeway. I saw him lose control going around a slight bend in the road. He over-corrected as the car began to drift, and shot back to the left through the median and into on-coming traffic. He hit two cars killing himself, and a family of three in one of the cars.

My whole family saw this event. Not a day goes by that I don't think about it since I pass the scene every day on my way to and from work.

Be safe and don't drive under the influence. There's too many lives at stake.

yep, horriffic indeed. When I was younger, I would "have a few" and feel safe to drive. Over teh last 10 years, I have changed my personal rule about drinking. When riding motorcycles I had the "one beer per wheel" rule. That means no more than 2 drinks while on my bike. I have applied that to all circumstances, when I am driving.
A few years ago, my outlook about all of this changed drastically when a cop that I'm friends with lost both of his legs. He was arrestign a robbery suspect just outside of Busch Stadium, during a cardinals baseball game. WHile putting the suspect in back of the "paddy wagon" a drunk driver hit the car behind him, forcing the car into the back of the van he was loading the robber into. THe back bumper of the bvan had a steel step to assist in loading prisoners. As a result of this, Matt had both of his legs severed between the bunper of the Neon behind him, and the steel step. He laid on the hood of the Neon, wiht no legs, and damn near bled to death. With both femoral arteries severed, and his heart still beating, the arteries sucked the antifreeze form the neon, into his blood stream. By the grace of God, he lived. He is obviously not a cop anymore. I keep in contact with him. He is involved in a local group called Crime stoppers.
He has always been a gear head. THe accidnet hasn't changed this, but it did change his car for racing. He has a heavily modified GTo that he drag races. He uses hand controld to shift gears.
After being involved in all fo this, my perspective of drinking and driving has drastically changed.
Have a safe weekend all!
:laugh: I wouldn't have it any other way.


I wouldn't either! If the FF there are like here, you work a 24 hour shift, but sleep, BBQ, wash your personal car for most fo the day!
Just kiddign of course.
For those that do no tknow, cops and firemen have a long standing rivalry. We HAVE to give each other a hard time. Being a fireman is the best racket going'. Where else do you get paid that well, and only owrk 9 days a month!!!!!!!
Really, I have a profound respoect for firemen. There is very littel in this life that would motivate me to run into a burning building. I feel safer being shot at. If you are being shot at, you can almost always find cover, return fire, and hopefully stop the threat. If you run into a burning building, and the roof caves in, yer screwed. Nothin' you can do, but look up. You'll only have time to get out "Oh Sh!'
Yep, streeet racing is a bad scene when something goes wrong. Unfortunately, the wrong usually involves an innocent person who was not aware of thsoe racing. When I worked in St.Louis, I worked several accidents involving street racing. Hall St. is a famous street that people have used for drag racing since the 50's.
Follow up

The stabbing victim lived. However, his cousin (the suspect) was relesaed. The prosecuting atty decided he was acting in self defense, and refused to issue warrants.
THe driver did lose his foot. The trauma doc, used some new technique, and managed to save his leg (minus the foot).