Cooling system saga


Herzel Frenkel
My X used to loose water, very little.
It usually runs cold and I guess the thermostat was stuck open.
Once in a while the gauge would drift up to the 190 mark and the fan would kick in. That was a call for adding coolant.
I never saw a leak. I was thinking of taking it to Raffi's and check the system under pressure, but I never did.
Last week i took a drive to "Kiriat Malachi" , which incidentally is Hebrew for Los Angles (they are twin cities bla bla bla). The car got hot and boiling. I stopped at a gas station and she was leaking badly from under the engine. I couldn't find the source and the station doesn't have plain water for the cars. So I bought two six packs of 1.5 litter of spring water (cheaper then cooling mix) filled it in when the engine cooled down and kept driving with the pressure cap off.
I got to LA and back without loosing a drop, driving 50-60 MPH.
when I got back and parked the car it started leaking again. Nothing made sense.
Next day, over at Raffie's I found out my reservoir was leaking.
I was about to get on the net in search for a replacement when I had a hunch I might have one on the top shelf. Indeed there it was, probably something I ordered for the late Green X.
While at it I am going to replace the thermostat and adjust the clutch for zero freeplay.
It was a long post, sorry and good night everybody.
At least you have the necessary part Herzel.

And hopefully the res is the only problem and you will be rolling again. That isn't too bad at all.

Do you think it was a good idea to spoil your X with expensive bottled water? It may expect it all the time now. ;)
Do you think it was a good idea to spoil your X with expensive bottled water? It may expect it all the time now. ;)

It's Italian-- it already expects it. That's probably why it was acting up all along. ;-)
