Dave Potts....

Ahh dear, dear Tony ...

He of the grand eloquent smile and fawning duplicity. Never was a politician so born to the cloth of office.
He's the original ptfe man. Throw him into a barrel of manure and up he gets smelling of lavender. In such ways, we English are able to show the world how great is our majesty and deep our understanding of how to screw the system. All the while smiling, smiling, smiling like a chimp with a rictus grin.
Single-handed he brought socialism down to the level of tory dogma. Forged a 'New Labour' party that stole the flagship tory policies and flew his new colours like a WW2 'Q' ship under a flag of convenience.
Under his benevolent governance, immigration soared by 33%, pushing social acceptance of foreigners to breaking point, loading the social services with a burden they struggle with today. Not to mention cutting adrift the majority of teenagers from lives of paid work.

My mate Tony wed well. His grasping fish-faced wife, Cherie, is a good match for him. She's a top silk, a Recorder, and was roundly chastised for giving another chance last week to a known dealer in cocaine, caught in possession with a kilo of nose candy. She was publicly rebuked for this faux pas by the Chief Justice, rather like the opposite of being mentioned in dispatches in the army. A very rare priviledge.

So, on a scale of 1-10, giving BJs to despots like MG, and his psycho family and Presidents, is some way down the list when guilty of dragging my beloved nation into an interminable war, and gulling us with tales of WMDs as well as ruining the wefare state.

Ahh to be in politics, now recession is upon us. It's a profound advantage to be born to rule as one has absolutely no sense of shame or, for that matter, smell. :fart:

I remain Sir,
Your Obedient Servant,
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Appropo my last post ....


We live in a country called Daftland
The Britain we knew is no more
Where sensible people do ludicrous things
Or risk breaking some Daftland law.
In Daftland we've police dogs with muzzles
Lest the villain has cause to complain
And to steal from a shop and say 'sorry'
Means you’re free with no stain to your name.

You had better leave lights on in buildings
When you lock up and go home at night
'cause the burglars might hurt themselves entering
And there's no way you'll be in the right.
When speaking be wary in Daftland
As some terms that you've used all your life
Now have connotations unintended
And you'll end up in all sorts of strife.

We elect politicians in Daftland
To give us the laws of the land
Yet eight laws in ten now come from abroad
The whole thing has got out of hand.
The borders are open in Daftland
And of migrants there's no keeping track
Just a few of the thousands illegally here
Will ever be caught and sent back.

The exception to this is the hero
Who fought for this land in the war
He's old and he's sick, he might cost us a bit
So he's not welcome here anymore.
When the history is written of Daftland
Historians may just recall
That the craziest people in Daftland
Were the public who put up with it all

My compliments to the person who wrote this poem, R.Hopkins of Eastbourne :nod:
You are hiding...

your real feelings behind a wall of typically misplaced British(English?) propriety. The doctor has warned you about 'bottling up' before.:brow:

I stand as always,
Your most fervent, etc.