Engine oil drain plug, what torque?


Bjorn H
I can't find the torque spec. for the engine oil drain plug in either of my manuals (factory Service manual, owner's manual, Haynes). Does anyone know what it should be?
No idea...

This is one of those things I tighten by feel. Tighten until I think it won't leak, and if it does tighten a little more.

If I had to guess a ft lb torque, I'd say no more than 18 ft lbs. The bolt is big in diameter, but shallow and the receiving threads are aluminum.
'm sorta with Gregory here...

Since I am usually right under there, I run the bolt down till the proper copper crush washer and bolt are snug, then a quarter turn.

Tight, but not too tight.
It's by feel and be careful who you let tighten it, it you go to lube places by all means get one of those valves that someone else mentioned.

Oakland, CA.