Erick Erickson of Redstate blog...

Yeah, well and...

cooly stated:)
It's true and beyond that Democrats, of more politically cynical positions, were of the opinion that doing so would shift the entire polity to the right making it more and more difficult for the Democrats to differentiate themselves from centrist Republicans. So it proved and so it turns out that Obama is having a heck of hard time with what used to be the Democratic base. Also, Clinton's move to the center cut a lot of voters loose to the so-called 'independent ranks' On raw political grounds it remains to be seen whether Clinton has crumbed the play for the Democrats over the long haul. A similar situation occured with Tony Blair and to some extent now with Cameron in Britain. That middle ground-or slightly right of middle ground - is getting trod on by both sides.
And the whole bonfire of the political...

vanities is going to be fueled by even more money through the SCOTUS decision on unlimited corporation/union funding of superpacs. How this makes for a better representive democracy, frnkly eludes me.

As far as the firefighter/ police distinction-well, that is where a tremendous amount of the pension problem is centered. Ohio was maybe just being more honest to include them and Wisconsin more cynical to exclude them.
The results in Ohio just goes to show what happens when the government goes up against the average American's sense of entitlement. Neither party has a monopoly on it either.