FI hose question


Ok. I am cleaning up my engine bay for a car show Friday and there is a hose that comes out of the bottom of the plenum. It is directly on the oposite side of the idle adjustment screw (screw on top looking into the engine bay, hose on bottom). While I was cleaning the dirt off of this hose I found that it was attached to.....nothing. I went threw the FI troubleshooting guide but could not find anything the shows this hose. Can anyone tell me where this hose is suppose to go to if anything?
Vacuum advance?

The hose to the vacuum advance on the distributor hooks up to the plenum around where you describe.

Bjorn and Hussein have it right, this is the ported source for the vacuum advance on the F.I. models. If it's a loose fit on the distributor advance nipple, trim about 1/2" off and try again, the hose can get inflexible with age.
Multiple hoses crossed? Help!

After reading this post I thought I should trace vacuum hoses. Yikes! The hose that should go to the distributor goes into a T on the crankcase breather hose. There is a hose off of the left side of the AC idle control valve that is hanging loose. The hose on the right side of the valve is connected to the hose coming from near the cold start injector.

The service manual diagrams all show the hose from the right side of the idle control valve going to somewhere under the main air intake hose. Could this be the T that the distributor vacuum line is now going into? This could mean that the hoses on the idle control valve are reversed, and the exit for that hose should be the crankcase breather. Or perhaps the cold start valve is on backward.

I am guessing here, any help will be appreciated.

The cold start valve also has a threaded hole near the bottom with nothing in it. I am fixing the AC, so this may be important soon. What goes there?

Paul Davock

I'm doing this from memory so I can't answer all your questions. The hose under the throtle body goes to the vacuum advance, the hose off the right end of the plenum goes to the vacuum accumulator, the other hose off that tee goes to the fuel pressure regulator left side. The hose from the right side of the idle control valve goes to the breather tube tee.
That is the best I can do for now. I'm in Connecticut right now and my car is in pieces all over the garage floor in North Carolina.
Hope that helps some.

The AC idle increase valve hose that you have hanging loose is supposed to go into the "T" off the idle valve hose that connects to the inlet hose, the other side goes to the "T" in the hose from idle valve to intake port (by the CS valve). The hose on the "T" off the crankcase breather goes to the small nipple off the same intake port.


Blue= AC idle stepper valve
Green= CC vacuum draw

With five vacuum connections in the wrong place I am surprised that the car ran as well as it did. I am keen to get it back on the road to find out what difference this will make. (I am waiting on the arrival of brake lines and CV joints though.)

Thanks so much for your assistance.
