
Definition of VELUM

1: a membrane or membranous part resembling a veil or curtain: as a : soft palate b : an annular membrane projecting inward from the margin of the umbrella in some jellyfishes (as the hydromedusae)

2: a swimming organ that is especially well developed in the later larval stages of many marine gastropods

a muscular flap that closes off the nasopharynx during swallowing or speaking
I didn't know either so I looked it up - just having some fun here!:)

I do think those are some cool pics though! I haven't seen any local advertisements or press for the car yet.
HAHAHAHA... What Jim said...

... or a kinda strong tissue paper you can kinda see thru...

It makes up the front and back pages of the ad here... and its relatively expensive in a newspaper...
Velum is as velum does

The confusion here is that the word Tony wanted is vellum, not velum.

Vellum is partly see-though. It used to be used in drafting so that parts of drawings could be overlaid and seen through; now you only see it for fancy advertisements and wedding invitations and the like. What you see nowadays isn't true vellum (real vellum is made from animal skin) but that's what everybody calls it.
Thanks Wy... I did Wiki it but didn't read it very well...

When I saw the definition pop up... I had ASSUMED I spelled it correctly... as there is a real word VELUM, but means other things.

It did go on to say VELUM was a common MISSPELLING of the word VELLUM...

HAHAHAHAHA... at least I'm in a common majority this time! I also wish I woulda thought of the word PARCHMENT in the first place!