Grandson ready to drive the X


Dennis Jones
Being seven months old does present some practical challenges for Orion though.

It's a long stretch to the shifter

It's tough to find a comfortable place to sit where he can see out.

And, of course, there's that whole pedal thing. Let's say he's ready to drive except for those minor details. Until he gets those figured out I guess he'll just have to get a bit of help from his grandpa.

cheers - dj
Move over Gramps!

Well... maybe he will be ready in a few years... more likely in 16 years. ;)

He looks just like you Dennis.
Looks more alert than

many of the drivers I've seen. And he's not texting either! Ha!
Nice shots Dennis. Thanks for sharing.
Biting my tongue.

... and resisting the strong temptation to point out the similarities of hair lines apparent in the final picture ...

Nope. Not gonna do it. No way. I'm just not that kind of a guy.
Haven't you seen any of the "Toy Story" movies!?!

Better keep your keys on you at all times!!! LOL Great shots!
I see it now... SAME HAIRCUT! HA!

Congrats Dennis... I have number three arriving in Dec-Jan and can't wait. I also have a 15 year old BLONDE BOMBSHELL of a grand daughter that I promised to teach how to drive this summer. I remember driving the X with her ACTUALLY steering the car while sitting on my lap! Drove her Momma nuts! I'll teach her first with the X... then move on to the Vette...

Anyway... ask me about haircuts and grand daughters sometime (if interested) and I'll tell ya a good story...
Thanks Jim

I've made the objective observation that Orion is an especially handsome young man and am flattered by the comparison.
I LOL'd !

Ha, that picture of Orion sitting on the steering wheel made me laugh out loud ! The guys in the office had to come over and see it too ! Class.
OK then... It was hot and I was working hard...

... and hadn't gotten a haircut for sometime...

I sat down in the barber's chair and old Henry started to trim as he usually did and I said... "Hey Henry... just cut it all off!"

Henry must have asked me three times if I was sure... and I said yes, I'm tired of it! So off it came! I thought I was looking old going bald... Boy... This new haircut made me look at least 10 years older! It was indeed cooler though...

But I must've kept a cap on or Fedora or Stetson for the next two months!

Meanwhile... a few days after I got it cut... my then 7 year old granddaughter came over and immediately noticed a difference in me. She runs over to where I'm sitting and rips off my cap, staring at my head and says, "Oooooh Papa, what did you do?"

I said, "Well Piper, I've always loved your beautiful long blonde hair... so I thought I'd shave mine off and grow it back in blonde!"


She just said "Oh" and ran off to do other stuff...

About two weeks later I happened to see her again and she runs right up to me and tears off my cap again... and stares and then says... "Ooooh Paaaaa-pa, you wasted your money..."

I can't stop chuckling now as I type... remembering the the sound of her voice, like a parent talking to HER kid... HA!

Several years later after being in junior high for a week... she comes home with BLONDE JOKES... more later...