HELP! Door Stuck shut this morning.


Daily Driver
Double bad day. I went out to a semi-flat tire on my X. I went to use my 12v tire pump and shut the power lead in the door along the bottom of the frame. NOW, the door will NOT open, period. I'm not sure if the handle failed and now it will not open, or if there is too much pressure on the mechanism because of the wire in the door or what.

I've pushed the handle section in, beyond where it is stuck. I've tried the inner handle (which effing broke off in my hand, great), I've tried pushing and pulling the door while working the mechanism. I started trying to take the door panel apart but that's not going terribly well!

Any advice? I need to get the door open to get my pump out to inflate the tire to drive to get the tire fixed! Ahhhhhhhhhh!



Looking down through the top of the door:


I cant' really get the door panel off because the door is shut and I can't get my pry tool behind the clips. :( :(
OOOH. :hrmph: Looks like you pushed the button down and then slammed the door shut. I did that once and made my passengers crawl in and out through the top like it was the Jumpin' General Lee. I drove it that way for a week and driving vibration finally popped everything back the way it was supposed to be.
I pulled the handle out, pushed in the button all the way AND wiggled/pushed/pulled the door. No luck.
How about spraying some silicone spray all over the handle to help lube things?

Cut the pump wire and yank it out to relieve the pressure on the lock? You can always splice the wires back together.

Put the key in and gently wiggle things around a bit?
I wish I had a better answer for you, but jiggling and wiggling was what worked for me.:blackeye:
I had the EXACT same problem

This happened to me 4 days after I bought my '80 x, I had to take off the door panel and get at it that way. Once its off its pretty obvious how to fix it. I can be kind tough to get the panel off with the door closed, but I assure you that it is possible. Once you do get it off and fix the problem, lube the hell out of the mechanism... Good Luck!
Looks like the top edge is in farther than the bottom so it might be wedged a bit. Could you "gently" tap that maybe? Could even it out and make it easier to come out.
This happened to me 4 days after I bought my '80 x, I had to take off the door panel and get at it that way. Once its off its pretty obvious how to fix it. I can be kind tough to get the panel off with the door closed, but I assure you that it is possible. Once you do get it off and fix the problem, lube the hell out of the mechanism... Good Luck!

I went over to a buddy's house and we got the panel off (it was a pain) and then we were able to manipulate the mechanism from the inside. After that, I took the handle off and made sure everything worked as it should.

After removing the wire from the door and reinstalling everying, it works as intended. The wire that closed in the door somehow put enough pressure on the lock mechanism to prevent it from working. NOT fun.

I'm leaving the panel off for a few days just in case.
No, but only because I wasn't sure of what to use as a lubricant. I left the panel and plastic off with the intention of figuring out what to use and lubing it all up prior to sealing it all back up.

Any suggestions?

I just cleaned everything, and then used silicone lubricant! It came out Great! I am sure wd40 would work as well. Cleaning as much of the dirt and dust out first is key to preventing this from happening again!
This happened to me just last night. I was picking up my drunk brother, I reach over unlock the door from the inside, the window was down so he decides to lock the door & open it at the same time, lol.