Hemmings Sports and Exotics Magazine Article on X1/9


Original Owner 1978 X1/9 (now sold)
My copy just arrived last night - Has a red early 1950's Jag on the cover.

Nice 4-page X1/9 retrospect / overview article, written by someone who would know.

Cheers - DM

Look down a few threads... I thought it was a pretty good article... Personally I think H S&E is one of the better "classic" mags. They need to put an X in one of their "Driveable Dream" segments...
Please don't

How about one of you upload a scan!

As an author, please don't upload scans of current magazines. Come on, let's all support a magazine that spends the $$$ to publish articles about our cars by actually supporting them in the way it helps, buy a copy of the magazine.