Honda story


True Classic
I'm not sure how you guys will feel about a Honda story here but I think it's one most of us can appreciate. This is unfortunately a bit of a horror story though.

So I'm driving down the highway and I see this little black Honda pull out of a merge lane a bit in front of me and proceed to make 3 lane changes in as many seconds an he disappeared in traffic. It looked like a late 90's Prelude. I was taking my wife and daughter to the mall (actually on my way home from my daughter's hockey practice going to take my son to his hockey practice).

So I drop them off at a mall entrance and get in the very long line of other people waiting to get out when I see the same little black Honda coming towards me. I'm stuck in a long line of cars with a 4 way stop sign and he's in a wide open lane except the minivan in front of him turning left. Well someone lets that mini van in and he puts the pedal down and goes revving past me. I watch in the side mirror to see someone behind me has let out another minivan which has turned into his lane and honestly I'm not sure if his brakes were in need of work but he could not stop side swiped the mini van, popped the curb and hit a rather large rock to stop. He got out, he didn't look like a kid but late 20 maybe it was hard to tell with his hoodie up. Out of the car gets a kid who looked like he was 18 and his mom out the passenger side, I was waiting for the screaming, I thought the Honda guy would lose it but it didn't seem to happen.

All I could think was someone took care of that little Honda, someone kept it clean for some 30 years and this guy get's it and is driving it on salty roads and driving like an idiot.... Poor car was done the day he bought it.
We get too personal with our Fiats. You can't relate to cars being just cars....something made with metal, plastic, rubber on an assembly line and after it's sold the Company doesn't ever want to hear from you again. Our Xs, 124s, whatever should all be in landfills by now as Fiat expected them to be after maybe 15 years on the road. But we keep them going, as do the Honda enthusiasts, and every other brand enthusiast. But sometimes they end up in the wrong hands. Look at Facebook ads for early Miatas and view the horrors some of them have been turned into for perspective.

Enjoy the the ad says and don't fret it.