Instrument cluster "no can see" question

Get a replacement Mike,

I believe Matt Brannon has them. (Front bezel only) Just get a replacement
plastic front bezel and be sure to specify the year. Building one is possible, but a hassle.

-My recommendation.
This may sound wierd,

but I got one to clear up at least temporarily by rubbing it down with oil. Worked surprisingly well! Not a permanent fix by any means.
Plastic polish!

Meguire's makes some plastic polishes, I think it's 2 or 3 parts to the system. Intended for convertible windows, should help. That's if you can separate it.
Ok, some may freak over this, BUT...., remove the inst cluster, and detach the plastic face.

Get some Mothers Mag and Aluminum Polish.

Smear over survact, wait 3 min, and wipe off.

Will be clear upon wiping off.

Hint: This also works on modern plastic headlights.
Yur kidding...

I once used this or a similar Mother's product and found it to be pretty STRONG or TOXIC stuff. Not to humans necessarily... but it really worked well on the wheels and seemed to leave streaks on the tires.

Maybe they were CLEAN streaks... tis was in about 198 and I had some BBS type allow "wires" on my stock Toyota Van. Really cleared away the brake dust.

This "solution" of yours reminds me of the time I used BRASSO to polish some aluminum. As I removed the haze to a shine that was second only to CHROME... I read the label as it said it cleaned brass, copper and a bunch of other stuff and then specifically said... NOT FOR ALUMINUM!

HA... as far as I know the metal never degraded or anything... and a second application even shined MORE!

Ima gonna pick up some Mother's next time I see it! Thanks for the tip!
From my experience...

Ammonia "oxidizes" aluminum, but cleans it really well first. It's all in the polish afterwards. The rag or other applicator will turn black. But, due to the chemical reaction, it may quickly tarnish/corrode/oxidize.