Is This Stock or a Repair?

Dan Sarandrea (Phila)

Waitin' On Parts...
Was tidying up the starter in prep for putting the tranny back in, and saw a lump of vinyl electrical tape, that turned out to be protecting this splice. The electrical manual says that the lead from the ignition switch to the solenoid should have two branches off it, one to the A/C system and the other to the FI system. So I would have to assume that one of the red wires finds its way to the FI relay in the spare tire well.

Based on the cut green plastic sleeve I'd say repair, but with Italian electrics ya can never be too sure....:)



Sorry for the blurry focus but no matter what I tried the camera wanted to autofocus on the block and not the wire.
Not stock...

Definitely a repair. Probably a repair to take the place of a two-to-one spade connector junction.
Looks like a fire hazard. Particularly if it is not a fused circuit. It's not the wire to the alternator? If so I think it is connected directly to the battery without a fuse.
I'd put some heat shrink on that wire. Or replace the wire altogether and get rid of the splice.

But easy to fix in almost Italian fashion with a larger spade connector, then put a small section of heat shrink insulation over. Also, the little bit of the trans I can see looks great! What did you end up painting it with?

Yep... looks "factory" to me...


Well Dan... there is always ONE GUY on this site that hasta throw a wrench in the works!


Hey... that could be someone's attempt at a "modified" BWM ifin' that the spade connector goes to the solenoid... RED wire from the ignition switch. Sometimes folks feel there is not enough current handling capacity in that wire to fully engage the solenoid. Usually a properly installed BWM cares for that.
Hi Carl,

The splice is what I found under a lump of electrical tape:)

I will definitely be reinsulating it with heat shrink.

The Bertone wiring diagrams show that one of these two wires spliced together should be red with black stripe that taps into the ig switch-to-solenoid wire at some point and provides starter circuit power to the FI. The wiring diagram does not really show at what exact point the tap is made. Maybe a stock setup has both the red and the red w/black crimped into one female spade terminal that mates with the male spade terminal on the solenoid?
My mistake,

that was your immaculately clean oil pan I saw! When are you putting the trans back in?
