It flows downhill...

I've been telling my parents they'd better be preaching this to my sisters oldest... I think he should be in his junior year in college right now... and he has only finished one full year of college. They've been helping to pay for his schoolin, but he won't take it serious... because he doesn't know what he wants to do!!!

I think it a perfect time to 'be in school' and a crappy time to be 'hunting a job'. Especially when you read the stats for those without degrees. If the market still sucks when he is to graduate with his BS or BA... maybe see if grandma and grandpa will pay for your masters... surely things will be picking up by then.

I was job hunting back in 1990 when no one was hiring... when I landed a job in 1991 I felt damn lucky. The group I was hired with were all 'let go' from a previous job because of the economy... A little over a year later the news was full of companies offering outrageous signing bonuses as corps thru money at people, trying to hire the best candidates after their dry spell of not hiring. We may be in for a double dip... but when things pick up, all these companies (like mine) that have continued to cut and cut jobs while people retire, will start hiring... we're already seeing a big void coming where I'm at... my company is just trying to live on a starvation diet of employees as long as they can.
A lot of talk is being generated...

on this general issue by economists, especially at the international institutions-IMF, World Bank, OECD. The problem here in the US is bad enough but Europe is really in a mess. The Spanish situation is horrifying-unemployment among 16-34 year olds is 47%!! Their problem is partially self inflicted with a two tier employment system where the older established workers have virtually 100% job security and the younger workers are mostly 'contract'-meaning they can be hired and fired without much trouble. The same applies to some extent in France and Greece and Italy too. But the main tide is running against these young folks. The wisdom of raising the retirement age in France is being requestioned because it puts a lid on employment opportunities all down the line.
In any event it is very sad, and when looked at across a few decades seems very unfair(if that is the right word). We Boomers really had to work at not working-jobs of one sort another were plentiful almost always except with a year or two here and there from the late sixties right up to 2002. What a shame for this new generation.