Love the new section icon/graphics.


Banned User
Sneaky too! It's 9:15 here in Central Zone. I was looking on the forum not ten minutes ago and they were not there. Then boom, there they are.

Love em' Great Job guys......
thanks :)

They are still rough drafted at the moment, I've run out of time to continue today with them but the concept is fleshing out a bit. I will probably replace them all with cleaner more evenly shopped versions of the same or very similar images once I get sorted the 'firing order' I want them in and some other details. The "EF" is also experimental at the moment, I am going to try to set up a separate Event Forum section that is hacked to integrate both the Calendar functions and discussion threads into it, if its successful, it would essentially be able to replace the events calendar setup and separate df event thread thing we do now. Stay tuned...
> 9 < days to retirement.

Looks like you may need to go to semi-reitred max. Love the wf icon. Hmmm that colour looks familiar, oh ya same as the Seattle X i/9 picture I have on my ? start page. A friends coment " Oh what a beautifull picture" Thanks for all Mac.
Now I'm depressed....

I can't imagine Mac's "swan song" at Xweb being......

"He changed the section icons before retiring."

Oh gotta do something big.
something big

Haha well, I've only spent the past 3 months working on building a mirror of N54 archive consisting of a whole separate server, 2 gigs of data, 150,000+ post html files, 200,000+ folders, half a million+ nav links, and 2 (both currently dysfunctional) search engines... and we have not even begun to touch the wiki implementation yet... :mallet: ;)

Yeah, and I am sure it is going to be more like a semi-retirement. I am not going to vanish completely, I will still be around, just not the "crazy captain" yelling at people not to yell at each other :rolleyes: anymore. Mark F, Eric A and Gregory S will be the "daily face" of the live forums (or the 'forum owners' as N54 labeled me), I will still be 'around' now and then but mostly I will just be working on behind the scenes stuff to assist them from time to time (like getting a search to work on the mirror archive, lending a technical assist on the forum coding as needs arise, little bits of random site business as called upon), but I do also have a normal user account ('seattlex19') as well so I'll still be popping up to post now and then too I'm sure, just not as "Mac the Benign", finally just as "Mac" the regular guy :) Thats not such a bad fate for ten years of being "honorary king of Xweb" :king:

As for the nav bar setup, its still a work in progress and subject to change. I currently am having a dilemma on it I need to work out. On the old forum we did not use an "index" page, so the nav images up top were the only way to get around, on Son of Xweb though, we do have a very comprehensive index page, that not only links all sections together but also displays additional info as well (whos online, calendar upcoming events, other site stats etc), so over here, the whole top nav concept is kind of made redundant by that, but I carried it over anyway to create some sense of continuity (and out of a bit of nostalgia ;)) but, there are too many things on the new site to link them ALL in the navbar, so, what to do, I can either create more to have everything up there too, which would make the index more redundant, or, just not, then have the head scratching effect of why isnt everything up there? :hmm: still contemplating that one...

Thank you all for your kind comments :) I appreciate it :D :cool: