Mac's Memorial was...


True Classic
As Gregory posted, it was unconventional format.
Kinda like a round table, with each person sharing memories.
Perhaps Quaker based?
Regardless, it works well.

Bonus was spending some time with Mac's Mom, Leslie.
Learning about Ian.
Far more to Ian than I knew.
And learning of his daily life over last few months.
Also healing.
Glad you came...

It was nice to see so many familiar faces.

Funny thing about memorials, you can learn so much about someone after they're gone.

Thanks for making it better.
Ian's memorial...

I've been so sad and blue and crying every day missing my only child Ian. I wasn't sure I could make it through this memorial day, but was so honored, as Ian would have been, that it was happening for him. At first I thought I would have to run back out to my truck and hide and just cry, but after everyone started talking and remembering Ian, what came through every time was what enthusiasm he had for life, when he was feeling better, and the inspiration he brought to so many on his X1/9 forum, it did my heart good to hear all the wonderful people tell their stories. I felt much lighter and happier after hearing everyone, and I can't thank you all enough for being there, and for all the nice things you've had to say there & also on this forum and his online guestbook too. Hopefully some day I can see his poor little orange 1975 X1/9 restored and looking like the dream he always had for it. Thanks again to you all, it was so nice meeting you, Leslie.
Welcome Leslie,

So this is Mac's creation, this online community.

We're honored to have been able to help, and for your kind words. You were very strong, stronger than I could be in the same situation. I hope the gathering was a help.

When we've had time to decide what to do with Mac's car, we'll make sure you follow along. Thanks for letting us have stewardship of his baby.
See Leslie? Mike M was right, if he can get on the internet and find this site, you can too! (topic of discussion after the memorial)

The memorial was great. I was so glad to see how many friends showed up, I really do wish we would have had a different reason for doing so. I almost didn't go, I don't do well at these types of events, but I knew that whatever I was feeling paled in comparision to others who were going.

I'm not sure what his friends and coworkers thought of us 'car guys' and our stories. I'm not sure how much he spoke of FIATs at work, he had too many other discussions revolving around politics and airplanes I'm sure. It is nice to know he had a life outside of the cars and appeared to have a similar effect on them as well..

Greg REALLY deserves a huge thank you for his help in this time of need. I don't think I could have stepped up and did what he did - and as graceful and peaceful as he did. I know that Leslie and Rose may never be able to express their thanks for your help. I feel the same about Greg as I did with Mac, everyone out there should get a chance to meet this guy. As hyper as Mac was, Greg is just mellow and easy going - the stress level drops when he is around. Thanks

-John Allen
Tacoma, WA
SeattleX member #25
Thanks so much..

Greg, I know I told you over and over in person how grateful I was to you for putting together this memorial for my son, but I want to tell you again to the whole group, THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart, and to all of you who loved & appreciated Ian/Mac, notice it's a slash just like X1/9, hey! Love to you all, and big hugs, Leslie.
not sure how...

Still not sure how I got registered on this site of Ian's creation, much less able to leave messages, but glad I managed to, Mike M gave me the inspiration to at least give it a try, and here I am. Glad you all made it to his memorial, so nice to meet you, take care, Leslie.
Hello Leslie,

Know that part of Ian lives here on Xweb and his spirit has touched our lives in many ways. Be proud of all that he has achieved and know that Ian will always be part of those who share Xweb.

If not for Ian's creation, none of us would be here sharing our lives together. Impermanence is part of the human condition, know that Ian is at peace and in many ways, Ian will always be with us.

I never had the chance to meet Ian in person, regardless, we emailed, chatted about his exxe, his passions, dreams and problems. We became friends over the years and I still think of Ian each time I'm here.

Bless you Leslie...

Thanks for being his Mom and giving us the opportunity to KNOW him like we did though this medium.

Many of us have also met and become actual REAL WORLD friends in the physical context because of his efforts also.

After experiencing all this... I now question WHAT I use to consider REAL versus CYBER... and I think we can see by meeting all these fine folks, the lines have become obviously blurred... and the cyber has become real!

I'm sure we'll be chatting again... thanks for taking a peek into this world he created.
Thanks again..

Thanks Tony for your kind words about Ian, it warms my heart to see what you all have to say, and that this creation of his lives on and is world-wide, he left his mark in so many ways & I know he was so happy & honored to know you all, Leslie, Ian/Mac's mom.
sweet message...

Hi Bernice, thanks so much for your sweet message, I too will always think of Ian when visiting this site, it makes me proud that he was so enthusiastic and was thrilled to have this for all the X1/9 lovers to join together. It's fun to see, and has been nice to talk with you all here, Leslie, Ian/Mac's mom.
I'm very sorry to have missed it.

Unfortunately, I was unable to get away from my home here in Vancouver, BC.

Nonetheless, I too count myself as very fortunate and very blessed to be a part of this online community which has been birthed by Ian, and carried forward in his enthusiastic spirit by us all. We are all richer for it, and our connections amongst many of us have happily grown deeper than our ownership/enthusiasm for a quirky little Italian car. My connection to Ian grew a little bit deeper over the years via emails and was looking forward to quaffing a beer with him either in Seattle or Vancouver someday....

Music best expresses my hope for a greater peace for Ian, for you Leslie and you Rose, and for all of us, that we remember, and that we continue forward in hope and in peace.


Photos from Mac's memorial (MAJOR D/L)

Took me a week to get these sorted out.
I won't have names behind all the photos, but I'll add them where I can. Forgive me if I get any wrong. I will correct the names if you let me know. I never forget a face but names get more challenging as I get older.

Some of these photos are very large so you can see better detail.
Many of the photos are 'pictures of pictures', so the quality will vary.

Note to Leslie: If you want prints, let me know and I will send them to you.

Photos are shown in the order I took them.
First 2 are the X's people drove to the memorial.


This is a photo (large) Mac's Mom Leslie had on display. There were several...

Mac and his Dad. (picture of picture)


This is one of MANY cartoons of Siegfried the Parrot that Mac wrote when he was age 10-11 for the local paper.
I Photoshoped the image to show how it looked in the paper.


John Allen and Greg (facing)


Mark Plaia, Mike Middelstead and Les E. Zesigler. (lezesig)


Mark Freeman on the right...


I'll need help with names of all below... (sorry!)


Greg S's wife talking with Jeff N


I'll need help with names of all below... (sorry again!)


Mac's Mom Leslie in center, Mac's Aunts to the left, Rose to the right talking with Mac's Uncle Bob. (McIntosh)


This photo of Mac was on the table, most of us had never seen it before. This was awarded to Mac a little more than a year ago for 10 years of X-Web achievement. (picture of picture)


This is another photo Mac's Mom Leslie had on display. Some of the photos got washed out with my flash.
I was lucky to get these because I couldn't see the result of the photo when I took them.


Mac's Dad (Roger) and Mac at H.S. graduation. (picture of picture)


Mac and his Dad. (picture of picture)


Mac's Mom Leslie (L) and Rose (R)


Rose (L) and Holly (R)


Early photo (picture of picture) of Mac's 1975 taken after the mods. (early photo, shows 1987 on the plate)


Picture of Bob Brown with Mac's 1975.


That's it. PM me to change or add names. Thanks.
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I'm sorry I missed the opportunity to honor Mac this way. I "rejoined" the forum just an hour after his memorial started.
Bob, you did an incredible job of presenting this rememberance of Mac for those of us that couldn't be there. As a former (and on rare occasion current) professional photographer, I can tell you that it is rare that I have seen better "photo of a photo" work than what you have shown us in your post. I want to thank you for posting the pictures you took that day. It has been well worth the wait!
Bless you Bob Brown...


What is it about this cyber world that can bring an old man to tears over someone he's actually never met! Granted... over ten years of bantering back and forth with Mac and a host of others... and at times... trading parts or sending junk or actually meeting someone every now and then... does indeed make it REAL.

(I even held Mark's daughter way back when she was ONE or TWO!)

By the way... its Les E. Zesigler (lezesig)... and it took me a good deal of time to get that right. Another big WOW... as he's been underground and lurking for quite some time now... but look who shows up when it counts! He really has perfected his space travel...

Thanks for the great shots and you do everyone justice in the tough time. I enjoyed seeing things and people I was a part of that positively impacted his life too.

I guess I could go on for hours... anyway... thanks again.
Mac posted this awhile back...

It's a YouTube video by Queen...

I believe he was pretty happy and excited about his life and his work at Boeing at the time...

I happened to trip over it tonight and the words in the song and my thoughts of Mac seemed to have taken on a whole new meaning...

See what you think...

[ame=""]YouTube - Dont stop me now by Queen for Northrop Grumman[/ame]

Oh Bob, thanks so much for posting those great photos of Ian/Mac's memorial. I was too distraught to bring my camera or take any pictures, and I appreciate your offer to send prints, I would really love to have them. I only wouldn't need the "pictures of pictures" since I'm the one who has the originals, but the others would mean a lot to me to have. His Siegfried the Parrot comic strip was done when he was only 10 & 11 years old, and his uncle's name is Bob McIntosh, those were the only two things I could say to correct your information, thank you again for taking & posting those treasured photos, Leslie.