MODELS you might wanna see...


Tony Natoli
If you go to this link it will fail, but then go to the string itself and replace the "*" or "STAR SIGN" with the "AT SIGN" or "AMPERSAND" sign and it will get you into the ballpark.

(I didn't realize I could not even type that sign in this message witout it being converted to a STAR!)

Worth the effort... this photographer and model builder is something else!*N05/sets/72157604247242338/show/with/2346008881/
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It's Xweb's fault and mine too...

On Xweb, you can't type an "at sign" as found in an email address. If you try to type a email addy straight into a post it looks like this:


Flickr uses the at sign in its URLs, so Tony was trying to point out that you need to change the * to an at sign.

It's really my fault, I sent Tony an email on what the problems was and I did not spell out at sign, I used the single character. When Tony repeated my instructions, Xweb swapped the at-sign for an * again. :rolleyes2:

Here is the at sign wiki : :)
That's pretty impressive, i thought i was looking at the real thing until his head popped up in the background.

However, i must admit i feel let down. Those where not the type of models, i was thinking off.
Glad YOU liked it...

... as the MODELS and the MODELER are both from 1/2 a Century ago...

But one can sure appreciate the effort and photographic skills he has, as well as his modeling skills. Apparently the cars are usually bought, but the mini sets and arrangements appear to be all his.