moving - spotty attendance

Hi Mac!

Advice from a landlord; FIRST, PAINT EVERYTHING. If there is any carpet, get rid of it, because it is impossible to get the "pet" out of "carpet." Only then will you have vanquished all traces of the smelly beast. And congrats on your new place!

I'm not sure I completely approve of your method of securing your X to the trailer. I'll have to check my owner's manual, but I don't think the front valance truly considered a hardened towing point. -Doug
Ditch the carpet - good advice. :nod:

Paint everything - good advice. :nod:

Central forced air heat? Have the furnace ducts cleaned and change the filter. :nod:

Discuss with your landlord floor options. If the dogs were given free reign like it sounds, then the carpet with be full of dirt, dander, um - accidents, and fleas and their eggs.

Might as well save some future grief and pull it up and paint the wood underneath, unless it's hardwood or fir, in which case you can refinish it with some polyurethane. You can do that with plywood and OSB too, not so much with particle board. :geek:
well guys

Heres the deal on all that, the landlord is an old retired Boeing engineer, does not live local, is on a limited retiree budget and (my understanding) essentially cannot afford to do all that stuff. I am not going to do all that stuff either, it's not my house. If I bought/owned the house, I would rip everything out and do exactly as you guys are suggesting, but I don't and probably won't, I'm on a budget too...

I can say this, the carpet has been enzymed and steam cleaned twice (at least), and although the rest of the house has been cleaned, not that thoroughly (only so much a couple min wage cleaners and one old boeing guy can do on his own I guess). I cannot say with certainty the "source" of the dog smell, but I can say the smell is not urine, or poop, or barf, or any of those other lovely smells dogs create, the smell is simply dander/hair.

I can also say the carpet does not "appear" to be the main problem, the dog appeared to spend the bulk of its time laying on a particular heat vent near the bathroom, the duct was full of dog hair, the floor in this area is hardwood, landlord just had a guy in who cleaned all the ductwork, but its an older house and the ductwork inside the floor is comprised of mainly wood around the exits and aluminum elsewhere in the floors etc.

I am inclined to suspect the main "source" of residual odor is coming from that duct. Anyway I am going to be going over there today to take my first personal whack at it and see what's what. I've had 2 products recommended to me, one called "get serious" and one called "room shocker" - I don't know - but am going to go do the initial assessment today and see what can be done about it.

"Stay tuned" :mallet:
Hey Mac

What caused the fire on your X.

You must have real passion for that car to keep it, there has to be something out there that is a bit better.


Grimsby Ontario Canada.

The '75 has never been on fire (although I dont blame you for thinking so, lol)

What it is is sunset orange, with black and silver house paint over it (courtesy of my well intentioned late dad, while I wasn't looking, bless his soul) with about fifty pounds of storage dirt and grime on top of that.

Yes the car is a mess, but this car is "THE" SeattleX1/9, this is the one X1/9 that started "all this", my passion for these cars, SeaX, Xweb, all this. So you could say, it has sentimental value to me that no other X1/9 could ever replace. The car is in really bad shape but it is not "beyond" repair (its in better shape than some of those UK restos I've seen, so I know it 'can' be done..) just going to take a lot more work than the typical PacNW Xhead -myself included- is accustomed to... but it will be worth it, one day... :hmm:
There's a pleasant smelling enzyme cleaner available at co-ops called Odor Eliminator, try mixing up a spray bottle of it and going around. Clean that duct.

Consider painting some areas. Some cheap white paint and an afternoon can seal in odor and stains and make you feel good. I painted my place in Capitol Hill and it was the best thing I ever did, customized the joint, freshened the walls and the landlord paid for the paint. Worth asking, maybe next month, heh.:angel:

Mostly just leave the windows open for a good loooong time, it's amazing what some fresh air will do for a place after it's been occupied by shut-in types.

(Well, almost - !)

Another update/episode in the ongoing saga of moving to "mancave 2.0" (bulleted for your convenience):

* I bought a room shocker - a chlorine dioxide generator in a cup! This is after doing a ton of other things and nearly killing myself with only limited results. The room shocker actually killed the dog - almost - I didn't see the sq ft limit (500) on it when I bought it, and in total the space I was trying to clear (the upstairs) was too big for just one, so it turned out more like a "room attention-getter" than "to shock" per se... I have 4 more coming and am going to hit upstairs and down with 2 per and that is going to be the end of that problem :headbang:

* I also recleaned, everything doggy thats been cleaned 3 times by other people, I cleaned it all myself, for real this time. The ducts I cleaned em myself the right way and soaked em with lysol on top of the clo2 bomb, I think its going to work out...

* The dead '75 is resting comfortably in my small and humble mini-garage awaiting whatever adventure-in-moving awaits it next, beside my old motorcycle (which does at least run, after a new battery and swap out cracked windshield from when I dumped it coming back from Chipotle burritos end of last season)...

* Rose and I are doing alright, all things considered, both pretty tuckered out from the move (she did help, she was great, even helped me trailer the X, what a gal!!! :clap: :D) but in one piece

Gonna settle in now and continue cleaning house and unpacking, will be still offline most of the time for a while, may be a bit before I do hookup net at the house, but am still checking email from elsewheres occasionally, just in case...

Talk soon, peace! A couple pics to close with :cool:



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Cool looking little house, Mac

Take your time settling in and unpacking. What's the rush! Best way to move is to take it real easy... at least in my experience... well, make that the second best way. The best way is to pay someone else to do it for you, lol. :laugh:


Hey Mac... Sorry for all the trouble yur having...

... but as "Paulie" says... its probably all DOWNHILL from here... as in nosedive!


I firmly believe... after being in this house 30 years come September... I still have stuff UNPACKED from my other place...

Oh... be sure to BILL the landlord for your time and effort, just as if he had to call back the cleaners 4 times.