My X Won't Start!!!

Count Jack

Low Mileage
I put in a new fuel pump. Now I have gas to the carb, but the stupid thing still won't start!!! It seems like it wants to. Cleaned all the connectionts to the coil and Capacitor. The distributor cap is a bit warn, but it should start!!! Would be nice to have an ignition analyzer. Not sure it's in proper timing. Should be 0 deg BTDC, I think. Something rattling around in the engine!!! Hear funny noises!!! Will check manifold pressure today. Can't figure out what changed. I just checked the compression and put in new plugs!!! I think I'm getting my Just Rewards for being a filthy old man!!! :confuse2:
Old Fuel Lines

How old are the fuel lines you have in there?. If they are old or you just changed them, then you may have sent some crap up to the carb and clogged the jets.
Timed to....

You must time the engine to #4 not #1 on these cars.


Grimsby Ontario Canada