[Opinions]: If a tree falls in the forest...

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Dave, just who the heck...

do you think you are coming in here and having something reasonable to suggest.
We don't need or want these kind of logical, fact based arguments.
Can't you at least have the decorum to wring your hands in hopelessness, and sigh over our lost innocence?

It's people like you, who if we aren't careful, are gonig to solve this problem and ruin it for everyone. Sheeesh,and I mean it!!!:whistle:
thank you Flash

I appreciate your honest contributions to the topic and am not offended at all that you have an opinion ;) I also am very happy to hear your kind words on the "rest of the site" (it is not "my" site however, dont let the "Stallin" act fool you, that was a deliberate misstatement to rile attention to the matters at hand, which it did)

"What would make a person do that?"

Showing up, looking around, seeing it there, going inside, taking one look at the politicking, and scramming out (often to later tell me "wtf dude??"). It's very straight forward. Since it exists, we have to care what goes on in there, whatever "that" is.

"THAT is Xweb's image"

I thank you for that, and in many cases that is so, but in many others it is then followed immediately with "but damn did you see the off topic all they do is box about politics, what is that section even doing there?".

"For a Regular"

Regulars are ten times harder to deal with, if we disallow the topic the pols "remember when" they could talk it up all they wanted and get bored stiff or start pushing boundaries, if we allow it the nonpols recall how it was when we took "active moderation" stance and they did not have to "fight for space" or "wade through" on the page to just try to have a lighter thread about whatever "else"...

"forum titled "NO FIAT CONTENT"

Followed immediately with the descriptor, "other cars, hobbies, interests". which does not specifically call out "HEY its all politics all the time", people go in expecting to hear about "other cars, hobbies, interests". True politics may fall into that realm, but I think no one goes in there expecting that is going to be over half of the sum total of all posts in the room...

"Someone with that little tolerance"

Depends on who you ask. Generally, the pols think the nonpols are intolerant, the nonpols think the pols are intolerant. Both treat each other as "encroachers" or "complainers" to a certain degree, but in my view, both have a right to exist here, we do not want to have anyone turning away (for a lack or an abundance) and I failed to ever resolve it before I just basically dumped the thing to Mark Eric and Gregory laps and retired out.

"what about opening up the ZFC Forum"

Did that. Didnt work. I set it up exactly as you described, a "hidden" section you had to go deliberately into NFC and then go into a subforum there and click through to view the contents, and tried having pols go there. It died quickly because there were about 3 people posting in it and there was approaching-zero traffic, they all just lost interest and I sent them back to NFC. Of course, that is not to say it might not work "now"... it may be an idea worth reexamining...
At the risk of repeating myself ... every year

I was hoping that "by sheer force of personality"(? a phrase I overheard Duane using here on another topic) I might be able to swoop in and "swat the hornets nest" at a strategic angle, get the people who use NFC to ACTUALLY TALK FOR ONCE IN HISTORY WITH the people repulsed by it, in the same place, at the same time, actually see/hear each other on it, and hoping some kind of clearer "path forward" would ultimately result.

Mac, since you are trying to draw out opinions, I will provide mine.

In a nutshell. Xweb is an automotive forum dedicated to the Fiat/Bertone X1/9 and even some other models in the Fiat family we have adopted along the way. It should be a place where we can come to get some help from our brothers and sisters with the same automotive affliction. Xweb should be a "Happy Place" for all of us... as much as possible anyway.

So this seems like an easy call to me. No politics, religion or pr0n on Xweb.

NFC was intended as a place to post music videos, Non-fiat automotive topics, life events and of course the fabulous Turbaconducken recipe.

There are plenty of forums out there set up specifically for the topics of politics, religion and pr0n. If you feel the need to expose others to your opinions on these topics, please visit a forum that supports your need. Then if you have a desire for someone from Xweb to examine your views, invite them to visit the other forum... via email please. ;)

So moderators, gird your loins and declare these topics off limits for Xweb. Then swing the axe on any post you don't like the smell of. You have the power. Make it so! :king:
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JimD, you rock

My personal bent is to strongly agree with you. Then we have tried that before though and we face a HUGE increase in moderator workload and just a polarity switch from the nonpols vomiting from the smell emanating from NFC to instead the pols sitting around bored insane and looking for every conceivable way to push the "allowed" to its absolute limit wherever we put that. It becomes a tit-for-tat and takes even more moderators energies to "maintain" it. Even still, it probably is one of the few "solid" options. I think we would need more mods though, still, it is a viable option. Thank you very much for weighing in Jim I appreciate it
Well, I'll be honest here. I joined because I had a X in 1975 (my first car by the way) and now at 53 I'm really beginning to think I want another one.

I have moderated several boards and can attest that the 3 things that cause folks to begin to fight are the three G's:

Government (politics)

Talk about any of these issues becomes polarizing and folks who have helped each other for a long time begin to hate each other because of their views on a single issue.

Sorry, I'm here to learn about X's and hope that someday one of the cars featured on FS&W can be mine.

I'll stay away from the 3 G's!!

Show me some more FS&W and how your fix them up, because I want one again!!!!
Don't read too much into my statement....

I am not an adherent nihilsm , no.

Just an epistimological conservative shall we say. The protocols of knowledge aquistion are very important to me. Where they do not exist in good form or are ignored or corrupted I hold that "..we do not know.." That's all.
I haven't posted in there because the majority of posts I have read or seen as the top line are of little interest.

The few times I have clicked on the colorless one, its been all music related (which is fine and I have heard a few good bits I didn't know about) or they are poorly argued, low logic arguments about our political leaders.

I used to be willing to spend considerable time arguing points with references, data and so on but have lost interest in such because there ends up being little if any actual dialogue and certainly no real illumination on either side.

Eons ago I was on my high school debate team and really enjoyed the process, having a debate with someone who at the very best uses slippery slope arguments and more likely merely impugns my heritage and intelligence is not my idea of fun nor debate.

I really don't care what happens in the cess pool as long as it doesn't make its way out to the rest of the forums. Should per chance I wander in and see something of interest, I may take a dip but with most of what I see there, not likely.

I wanted to add that my view of forums spaces like the NFC are universal across all the forums I frequent and not a reflection on just this NFC forum or the denizens who circulate in it.
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The XWEB Forum is SPECIAL !!!!!

The NFC is part of the reason. This forum is better than most any other car forum because the people here make it so. Chris, Mac, Rudy, Tony, Pat, Steve and everyone else are all individuals and have more to offer than just Fiat knowledge. I have been going to Best of France and italy car show for years, but this year was special. I met a lot of great Fiat fans there that I knew from this forum. The NFC helps in many ways. It allows other comminication for those that wish to partake. I must say that shortly afer finding this site I was very impressed with the knowledge and thoughtfullness of the members posts here in the NFC.

Now to the negative, things get a little squirelly when people either are passionate about an issue, or less considerate or sensitive than proper manners would suggest. The answer is to take it with a grain of salt and don't let it deter you.

Where's Chef Boyardee when you need him?

So this seems like an easy call to me. No politics, religion or pr0n on Xweb.

NFC was intended as a place to post music videos, Non-fiat automotive topics, life events and of course the fabulous Turbaconducken recipe.

There are plenty of forums out there set up specifically for the topics of politics, religion and pr0n. If you feel the need to expose others to your opinions on these topics, please visit a forum that supports your need. Then if you have a desire for someone from Xweb to examine your views, invite them to visit the other forum... via email please. ;)

You know, no matter how this thing gets resoved, at least I'll come away with the realization that discussions involving an X1/9 can be intellectually stimulating. :read: Thank you Pat and Duane!

OK, so here's the problem: You've got 703 registered users. If you took a poll, you'd probably get 703 opinions on what is or isn't an appropriate topic for Xweb and the NFC. And each one is just as valid as the next. Using Jim's example, one could also say that there are plenty of forums out there set up specifically for music videos, Non-fiat automotive topics, life events, and Turbaconducken recipes (now there's something that should be banned!) and that those interested in such topics should take their conversations to a more appropriate site. The unfortunate conclusion to this line of reasoning is that Xweb would end up hosting nothing but FIAT-related content because everything offends somebody. Is that the forum everybody wants?
The ironic thing is, I really couldn't care less about politics, music videos, Non-fiat automotive topics, life events, or Turbaconducken. What I do care about though is that once a topic is banned, how long before the next, or the next, until finally a topic I really enjoy discussing with Pat (Spaghettios vs Raviolios) gets banned because the discussions around it get too heated?
Well, regardless of what everybody wants, it's obvious what we're going to get: A decision by Mac and the Mods. And that's fine. In this respect I'll agree with Jim; you do have the power, make it so. I'm just not going to presume to tell you on which side of the issue your axe should swing.:jedi:
My 2 cents

To me this is fairly simple: I come to this site to get good information about the car we all own, or did, or will. Thats it, thats the reason.

If I want political talk I go to political sites, not to a car site. Knowing which connector is the oil pressure sender and which is the oil light on a 1500 does not make a poster an expert on anything to do with politics, religion, war or the economy.

Since these political sites I referred to are meant solely for politics (they don't for example talk about Italian cars there) the topics are generally filled with fairly detailed, thoughtful, and more highly nuanced discussions, unlike some of the 'one liner with a link' posts referred to in an earlier post here.

I LIKE this site and have for years...came here even when I didn't own an X, or was between X's. It's been a safe haven away from controversy (except whether to repaint an X Rozza or Giallo :wink2:)

Tim said it best for me in an earlier post...I WANT to also like the other people here that post...and feel I know some of you fairly well...when your posts veer off into politics or religion I feel you've crossed a line in the forum friendship that I don't want to be crossed.

These NFC discussions are set up for debate...which gets heated...which means friendships here will suffer. That's the problem for me, it diminishes the friendships when I see some of the opinions people "really" have. So generally I ignore the sub-board.

A quick glance at NFC always shows it's pretty much dominated by less than five or six posters. Why not just kill it? Or have the Mods really monitor for the controversial stuff and warn the posters...being a moderator is work...and this is probably one of the biggest parts of the role.
Kinda funny Dave...

Outside of the 703 of us... most of the rest of the world considers a FIAT to be offensive...

And just between YOU and ME... I never thought or said we should ban anything on this site. I just feel there is no place here to be discourteous, or rude or insulting. "Taste", I'm afraid, is so damn subjective that it can't be defined necessarily by TWO people, much less 703... so it too needs to be carefully regarded by ALL the sexes and ALL the nationalities...

Anyway... we do a pretty good job of checking ourselves... and I'm usually pretty proud and glad to be a part of this site...
Isn't it kinda...

looking like things have settled back down to our usual ham-n-eggs comfort level. I mean, I've posted several things here this morning and not a discouraging word yet. Even replied to Brad without a hint of acrimony.

I'm with you Tony, pretty proud of this bunch most of the time and we are more or less self healing and forgiving. Maybe let's just let time do what it always does-wound heels-oops Freudian slip there!!:whistle:
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fy5tTLumfEM"]YouTube- Bruce Cockburn If A Tree Falls in the Forest[/ame]
thank you all sincerely

I know that even now there are still some here who are scratching or shaking their heads and not quite thinking this is that big a deal or not seeing my motivations or why I would be taking it so deadly serious. I have personally seen organizations similar to our own self-destruct (for real) over the course of time as a direct result of their "off topics".

I am telling you guys, "mark my words", there are 2 possible futures for Xweb, one where DF and NFC users can communicate directly with one another (if not as "fellow users" then I'd hope at least as "camps"?) and "COEXIST" in their own and each others spaces, *WITHOUT* getting siloed-in, stuck, having some kind of psychological "wall", alienating or attacking one another, evolving in conflicting directions or hiding the crap in back so to speak... and the other, where those things do happen and the whole site suffers for it, or worse...

For near ten years I have "tried and tried" to keep this single issue (DF-vs-OT/NFC) from ever falling too far off the "Xweb Self Analysis Refresh Radar" and --as ceaselessly irritating as I know some here seem to find it-- I believe deeply it IS a "potential life or death" imperative that self-and-other awareness be continually practiced by all users here, lest the danger will always exist that Xweb's sections may one day, some year, grow "too far apart" (culturally?) for the whole website to not just eventually turn on itself or otherwise give out under the strain

(And I do not just mean by talking to say "yeah 'we' know 'they' dont like 'our' posts, 'we' dont like 'theirs' either", but rather to actually communicate with each other and genuinely seek to understand/resolve the "whys" in such cases, to whatever greatest extent possible)

I have seen other websites die or be divided or blown to bits over exactly this kind of "us and them" sections "not speaking" stuff. IT IS NO JOKE - IT CAN BE A TICKING TIME BOMB! Just please NEVER let it happen to this website and the great people (yourselves!) who occupy it. "CHECK yourselves before you wreck YOURSELVES!" Thats all I've ever been trying to ask you each/all to "go do" with these endless comment cycles, course corrections, self-checks etc, and if you each/all can see to it that is done -OUT IN THE OPEN- with some regularity here once I am gone then I will sleep well in my retirement.

"PS", I overheard upstream a comment "I guess we'll get whatever Mac and the Mods want"... not quite so, thats entirely why I am asking you here! I am just the "messenger" here to bang the drum and am not necessarily going to be part of the actual "final calls" on these things now. You need to be telling the mods -and each other- what YOU think and want. Then the mods may need to make some judgment call based from that, that strives to encompass as much of what folks express as they are realistically able to make happen, but ultimately, you are "the decider" for how it all (all of Xweb) will "end up" one day.

SO, Choose wisely :) Peace!
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