Paging Papa Toni


Herzel Frenkel
Hi buddy,
a while back you asked for some hub caps, Charade or something. I think I can get them.
How many do you need?
It's an Xweb 1.0 legacy

Private message?

"Paging" threads used to be really common on Xweb 1.0 as it did not have all the bells and whistles off a "modern" forum... like private messaging. It is just a part of the total Xweb experience.
Thanks Herzel...

... I did indeed post a BIG WANT AD a while back and I did indeed find the one I needed. Thank you for your efforts though... I owe you a hamburger at Bob's Big Boy next time we see Leno at NBC...
"Paging" threads used to be really common on Xweb 1.0 as it did not have all the bells and whistles off a "modern" forum... like private messaging. It is just a part of the total Xweb experience.

I was not around back then, I didn't realize such archaic forums ever existed:D