Pair of CD20s on German eBay

Dan Sarandrea (Phila)

Waitin' On Parts...
Just an FYI for all the "wheel-whores" out there!:wink2:

There is a pair of Cromodora CD 20 wheels on German eBay now. [There may be an error on the seller's part because they are listed as 5 x 13 wheels and says CD 20s are 6 x 14 wheels. The seller quite frequently offers Cromodora wheels so I would tend to think they know what they are selling so maybe histowheels is wrong.]

I don't recall seeing any X1/9s with CD20, but they certainly are a period wheel that would not look out of place....and you won't feel like you're seeing yourself coming and going by mounting the typical CD31 or CD30 or CD91.

PS-not mine and no association with seller
histowheels may not have all the wheels and sizes listed, I think the seller is correct on the size of those CD20's
The eBay seller is correct & the Histowheels site is wrong - the CD20 wheel is indeed 13"x5".

From an original Cromodora wheel catalog:
