President's Day weekend wrenching...


It's a 4 day weekend not that that means much to us self-employed folks. But, I did get to spend some time in the garage (thank god, it was very rainy and windy) on the Scorpion.

I decided to finally tackle the awful rear panel above the exhaust. It's where the rear trunk would be except on a Scorpion it's got a spare tire and is used for ventilation. On my car which sat outside for a long time the panel was very cruddy looking; peeling paints and some corrosion. Mostly because as delivered they came with an aluminum sandwiched fiberglass pad (3/4" box really) that sat on there. Held tons of water of course.

Here's a pic of the panel area with spare tire holder removed and some sanding started. I have a shop vac attachment on my sander so it's not too dusty.


Here it is mostly done, not easy with all the forms in the metal:


Of course I can't find my white primer so I have to run an errand in the morning. This little detail will really help the engine bay look presentable. I'll post pics when it's painted.
When done...

Got it finished and reassembled. The cool rainy weather meant that despite hating the garage, which I rarely do, I had to resort to a fan to get it to dry.

Image of fan helping it dry:


Image when done:


Projects like this can be very satisfying. They take a day or two, cost little, about $10 in paint, and the results are nice. I like to make it look like I didn't do anything but it's somehow better.

I'm planning a get-together for PNW Xweb folks in the next month or two. Spring's a busy time for my line of work so it will be tricky.