Turn signals inop

I knew you could do it -

Think of it on the bright side... Your ground connections are A+ now, and (by the sounds of it) you pulled it off without hacking up your harness.
Congrats on a job well done.
Soooo Denise... yur saying yur having "stud" problems...

... once again?

Is that some kinda male-bashing, sexist comment that the THREE of YOU GUYS are going to start to perperuate on this site???


(HAHAHAHA... I just couldn't resist... there useta be LILLIE on this site also... who really did a grand job restoring her X and racing her Elise. Then she got married and ran off or something, and we haven't heard much from her in a long time.)

Congrats on finding the problem... I once mis-connected my hazard flasher harness and thought I only had T/S signal prroblems. Took me weeks of going back and forth before I understood the hazard ciruit was my real problem. Always somethun', always learnin'!
Thanks Bob,
Now that I am better informed, I will use dielectric grease more thoughtfully in the very near future (wiper issues.)
Denise, sorry you won't make Freakout. Everett and I will miss seeing you there. You are a FFO fixture and an inspiration.
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What ever happened to

Elizabeth? Last we heard of her HERE.
I wonder if she still has her X1/9?
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Bob, absolutely true!!!

That one should have been deleted.

That thread ALWAYS gives me a red face when it pops up from time to time!!
Thankfully, it was quite out of character with the other 99.99 per cent of postings on this great website!!

cheers, Ian - NZ