Tygon 2075/2275 tubing for hydraulic reservoir hoses


Eric Hamilton
Is anyone actually using the stuff? If so, how well is it working for you? It looks good by the spec sheets.

I can confidently assert that transparent flexible tubing makes the entire clutch/brake master replacement process a whole lot easier. The tubing is thinner and way more flexible, easier to route, and being to see any trapped air bubbles and get them out of the tubing before they get sucked into the master is kinda cool too.
But I can also confidently assert that hardware store vinyl tubing won't work... After a few weeks, during which you feel good about it, it starts to sweat break fluid.

So now I'm looking at replacing the vinyl with tygon, but surely would like to hear from someone else with firsthand experience here.

(And dammit, I filled a loop of vinyl tubing with brake fluid and let it hang from the basement ceiling for a few weeks, just to check on this - but apparently I didn't wait quite long enough before I declared victory)
I have used it for water cooling applications on computers. From the specs of it, it should work just fine for remote reservoir line, as its designed for lab use with various chemicals. Try testing it first (longer then a few weeks ;) and see if it holds up.
There is some conversation about this, maybe search or the archives will unearth it.

There are a large number of Tygon formulations, best to fully research the one(s) you can acquire before using, to make sure they can withstand brake fluid without deteriorating themselves or causing the brake fluid to deteriorate.

There is some conversation about this, maybe search or the archives will unearth it.

Yep, did that...

There are a large number of Tygon formulations, best to fully research the one(s) you can acquire before using.

... and that too. The 2075 and 2275 formulations both look seriously promising, but I was hoping to hear from someone who's actually tried it. If no one has, what I've heard is encouraging enough that I'm willing to volunteer white car as a guinea pig for the experiment, will report at first hand how it turns out.

What's the worst that can happen? I have to drop the pedal box a THIRD time to rip the stuff out:sigh:
11 try? try 3rd...

Been using this (2275) Tygon tubing for maybe 5 years now for this same application. In fact, I believe that I was one of the first guys who did some homework on this, to the point of speaking at length with the manufacturers about it and this application, after I tried the "wrong" Tygon formulation as a misguided experiment.

In short, works a treat, no worries whatsoever. Go for it.

Cheers - DM