2nd Annual Stripper party and swap meet


piccole ma cattive
BBQ, tinker with race car, and listen to the Abarth purr before she goes to Matt's

All are invited June 1st on or about noon. Location is Manchester, NH. If travelling from out of town/state/country, I have 2 spare beds and a couch!

Hang out, help me strip the Bumble bee and lets see if we can get the RaceX running. I'll supply the BBQ, just need people to bring the sides. Oh, and did I mention I'm a home brewer..?
I'm moving

in fact closing in a house tomorrow, but I'd like to come by too and bring a side. I make a mean jambalaya.... It depends on how much moving I can get done beforehand. May not be able stay long, PM with info/address cell please?
I'm coming

and will bring some beer and jambalaya as a side. I'll pack up my X1/9 technical knowledge too and bring that as well...Now WHERE did I put that thimble?...
strip and swap

Wish I would have seen this post sooner. I'm going out of town to upstate NY with the wife for the weekend or I'd be there for sure to meet you guys. Can you PM me with a contact phone number..?? Maybe I can drop in on the way home to introduce myself if you are going to still be at it. Thanks..!!
I would love to come

I would like to come help and meet some of the fiat people, but I get out of work at 3 and would be in Manchester by four. Is that going to be to late? Let me know.
You should do it Yves,

4 hours drive. (plus customs)

Let me know what you need before you make the trip.
If you need an overnight stay, let me know that too.
Just a reminder folks, this will kick off at around noon but will be going all day into the evening. Also, just as a reminder, I'm short on chairs, so bring a portable. Oh, and their will be plenty of Moxie on hand as well. Diet Moxie as well.
Sorry guys I will not be present, it's the mid season tournament of my wife softball league... all the weekend, yes mid season tournament at beginning of June!.

I'm sure all folks together you will have a great stripper day at Marie and Mike house.

Did you say MOXIE???


I have a 50 year JUNIOR High reunion tomorrow otherwise I'd be there!

Do take many photos... and give my regards to all!
Hey Rooster, I've got a mid-day wedding and reception to attend.
However, I hope/expect we'll be finished by mid/late afternoon. The wifey and I will be in our fancy wedding duds but would love to stop by to say hello.

Can I have your address? You can text my cell phone 603-548-8323.
Just wanted to say a BIG thank you to everybody that came by and wanted to come by. We had a pretty great stripper party eventhough it was 95* with high humidity. The water was flowing more than the Moxie (well, Bob drank all the Diet Moxie..)

Once again thanks, and the incriminating evidence will be showing up pretty soon!
Photos of Mike's stripper party

Sorry guys, G-Rated. :)

OK, here's the rundown...

GeekDaddy (Greg) and wife Karen


Mike, (Roostahh!) and friend Erica and Mike's friend. (Forgot his name, sorry!)


My wife Carol, Jim McKenzie and Paul Stoltz


Bumble-Bee on the trailer... Awaits it's fate


Another image...


Me, (Bob Brown) Mike Soter, Jim MacKenzie, Paul Stoltz (almost hidden)
Notice who's got clean hands ... :lol:


It was a great meetup as always. Good time had by all.
Now if I can sort out how to upload videos that are much too big to post, I'll show the engine being removed by an all new method.
(you've got to see it to believe)

Thanks for hosting this Mike. My turn next...
Was great to see everyone!
Kept my hands clean as the wifey and I stopped by after a local wedding.
Bob -- thanks for posting the pics.
...and Rooster -- thanks for your hospitality!
I had a good time

It was nice to put faces with names and people I've "known" for years. Rooster and his wife were very gracious hosts, and I was happy to finally meet Bob Brown and Greg. Food was good too! And I finally tasted Moxie for the first time, and saw my first in person Saratoga.

It does seem that all the X1/9 guys marry "above their station" though :p

Think the car adds to our sex appeal?
Gulp! Don't tell Roostahh...

Don't tell him that he's married! (he's not) I think he'd lose his "Roostahh!" title and have to settle down. :wacko:
Don't see that happening any time soon! Ha! :p
Don't tell him that he's married! (he's not) I think he'd lose his "Roostahh!" title and have to settle down. :wacko:
Don't see that happening any time soon! Ha! :p

Hahahha, their has been some mumblings in the hen house...