Ack- earthquake in NZ?

OK here in the Nth Island, Greg.........!!

....Are our New Zealand folks ok?.........

......but Christchurch in the Sth Island has copped it VERY badly again!!
The damage sounds worse than the quake in Sept last year. A number of deaths have been reported this time.
NZ is really living up to it's "Shaky Isles" nickname at the mo!! :eek:

cheers, Ian - NZ

Constant coverage here on Aus TV.

Out thoughts are with your southern brothers.


Thanks, mate......!!!!

...Our thoughts are with your southern brothers.



Yeah Brian, this one sounds like a WHOPPER!!!
Unfortunately, there has been quite a few deaths reported this time - it happened during the lunch hour which has caught a lot of people out in the City centre, just when buildings started to collapse!

Strangely enough, we didn't feel a thing here in Wellington! A bit different from the Sept shake which chucked a few folks out of bed at that time here in Wellington - 4am.

Hey mate, I startin' to think that we (Oz & NZers) are living in a kinda straaaange part of the world - floods, bushfires, heatwaves, earthquakes!!! :shock2:

Wonder what it's like living in Alaska - (nope, couldn't get along with Sarah Palin!!)

cheers, Ian - NZ
Hey mate, I startin' to think that we (Oz & NZers) are living in a kinda straaaange part of the world - floods, bushfires, heatwaves, earthquakes!!! :shock2:

Lawso, my Son Number 1 is living in Port Hedland at the moment. Currently, I am watching the Christchurch disaster on TV while trading Skype comments with him regarding a category 2 cyclone passing by his front veranda right now.

Horrible about the cathedral!



Another reason to forget about Alaska. Although California and other areas get more news coverage about earthquakes, Alaska is one of the most seismically active areas around.

We hope that that the damage and loss of life will be as minimal as possible.

Our best wishes from the States,

Our thoughts as well

Hi guys.
It certianly does not look at all good this time over in NZ and many have lost their lives. My thoughts and prayers are with you all as Australians and New zealanders do have a strong historical bond.
ps I am still sorry about the underarm bowl too
All the best to you all
Hey Dylan are you ok?
"Wonder what it's like living in Alaska - (nope, couldn't get along with Sarah Palin!!)"

Not only that, Ian, you have bear, moose and vulcanos to deal with as well! Last time I was up in Alaska, I spent three days at the base of the Redoubt Vulcano, probably one of the more active ones up there. Lots of bear (seen from the safety of the helicopter when going from place to place) but didn't see any rogue moose.

Seriously, though, I hope all of our X family down-under are safe. You guys and gals have been having a hell of a year. Thoughts and prayers with you all...
Many thanks, Mike..........!

....Our best wishes from the States, Mike.....

.........the enormity of yesterday's quake down here is just emerging over the news now!!!!
Huge damage to Christchurch city centre and inner suburbs - just what we DON'T need right now!

cheers, Ian - NZ
Many thanks, Dave..........

..Last time I was up in Alaska, I spent three days at the base of the Redoubt Vulcano, probably one of the more active ones up there.
Thoughts and prayers with you all

....Dave, we have got a few quite active volcano's in the Nth Island here as well - we are hoping that they remain QUIET just at the mo!!!
We certainly don't need earthquakes in the Sth Island and erupting volcano's in the Nth Island.
Yeah, thinkin' about Alaska - what could be worse, huge bears growlin' at you, or Sarah Palin SCREECHIN' at you!! :guns:

cheers, Ian - NZ
Brian, it survived the Sept quake.........!

...Horrible about the cathedral!

......but this one didn't let the cathedral get away with it. Such a beautiful centre-point in Christchurch city too!
Talking about your No.1 son in Port Hedland, my brother has been living in Perth for many years - how he puts up with 2 year-long droughts, sandstorms, flies (that crawl up your nose to eat your brain out), bushfires every year, crooked WA politicians, has got me beat!!
Your No. 1 son will be 'enjoying' all of that, PLUS living in 45 dgrC heat!!
Hey, maybe our NZ earthquakes every few years ain't so bad after all! :nuts:

cheers, Ian - NZ
Yes, Ian we in Oz are thinking of you...

...well, not YOU specifically, but all affected NZers. We are getting a pretty much constant TV feed of the disaster here in Sydney and it's quite upsetting to see.
I have seen shots on the TV of buildings (including the cathedral) that I took photos of in 1974 when I toured the country after working at Mt Ruapehu for the winter.
As you know, Ruapehu and Mt Ngarahoe are active volcanos and Ngarahoe had a small eruption 2 months before I arrived, and Ruapehu had a slight event one day when I was there. I had even been up inside the crater that day and found out about it that night. Wondered why it was a bit misty (smoky?) up there.
Where've you been Ian?

I've been yellin' for you on the NFC page for days?

Good to know your ok mate.
Not even a murmur, Tony.........!!

....You guys at least must've felt it, huh?

Glad yur OK

....unlike the quake in Sept last year at 4.30am, which we sure felt up here in the Wellington region! :eek:
The first I heard about this latest shake (Tuesday 12.50pm NZ time) was when I called into my bank downtown, and all the bank staff were crowded around, gawping at a laptop computer, with their mouths wide open saying "Oh no, not ANOTHER one!!". When I asked "wassamatter, folks?" they all pointed at the laptop screen, and there were the first pics of this latest disaster in Christchurch!
And this one is HUGE, Tony! More reports coming over the news right now, stating more deaths and even more instances of aftershocks - some of them around 3.5 on the R-scale!!
Not a good time for us Kiwis at the mo, mate! The loss of lives, and economic outcome will be hard to recover from!
Will keep you folks up to date on progress on this!

cheers, Ian - NZ
Sorry Pottsy bruvva..............!!

...I've been yellin' for you on the NFC page for days? .....

.....but I only cruise into the NFC page from time to time when there isn't much new stuff on the Disc and W/shop pages! ;)
Yeah, alls' OK here in the Nth Island, bud, but Christchurch has sure taken yet another BIG hit!!

I've just replied to Tony N's post, so you will be able to see where things are at right now if you have a bo-peep at my reply there.

Thanks for thinking of us, Pottsy mate!! (Any more of these bluddy shakes, bruvva, and Girlie an' me might have to zoom over your way - still got some them ill-gotten $$$$$$ tucked away - and move into your little back-shed love-nest again. :shh:

cheers, Ian - NZ
Many thanks, Warren.......!!

Yep, it's certainly not a great time to be a Christchurch resident at the moment. Just what they didn't need was yet another disaster - this time worse than the Sept quake!
Glad you enjoyed the volcanic region up here in the Nth Island when you were over here - we are just hoping that these earth tremors down South don't spark off Ruapehu and Ngaurahoe again!! :shock2:

cheers, Ian - NZ
Prayers and well wishes going out to you folks...

... and I KNOW how it feels...

Mine was the '94 experience... my wife was here in '71 also.

I believe IOWA is the only state in our union that has NEVER experienced and earthquake.