Al Cosentino is alive, Just spoke with Fumiko


New Member
Hey all, here is the scoop.

AL IS STILL ALIVE!:dance::woot: he is still in the care unit but is apparently getting better. It will still be quite some time before he can go home.

The business is in transition to be run by a Mike or Mark Miller in Austrailia( hard to understand Fumiko sometimes).

She is going to give my email to him and I will let the forum know how to get ahold of him when he writes me back.

So, Al is fine and I will keep in touch with Fumiko in the future and keep everyone posted.

Good to hear that. Rumors...

Is that your X pictured to the left of the post column? Do you still live in the Simi Valley area?


yea that is my X.

Lost my house in Simi, am at a friends in Ventura tomporarily...Hope to be back in Simi again.

Great news. I'd love to read a freshly penned conspiracy rant!!

Al...we're on your side buddy!!

Please keep us updated.