Attention Dallas/Ft Worth X'ies


True Classic
Hey guys/gals, going to drop the X off at Shadetree Enginetrics tomorrow for some periodic maintenance and do-dads. Was wonderring if anybody wanted me to ask Robert anything or look for any parts, etc. If so just send me an email at scifi652004*

Now that is pretty funny. I just came back from Robert's this morning. Dropped off my refurbished head from Matt to have the valves adjusted. He is one busy dude right now. If you get a chance he has a Fiat motor from the 1930's he just finished up. Pretty interesting. Have fun. - Art

Yeah, I'll spend a good hour or so rummaging around his junkyard looking at all the oldies he has out there....wonderring what their stories were :) He's gonna have the X for a few days, so won't be out there long (it's an hour and 30 minutes from my house).

There's a car show coming up in Dallas soon isn't there? Maybe 2 weeks from now? Robert was mentioning something to me about it. You going?

Hey Brian,

Are you talking about the get together at Vick Autoport? I think I saw it was for 6 Jun. I will go if I have my X back together by then. - Art

Not sure if that's it or not, Art. I'll ask Robert this afternoon when I'm up there. From what it sounded like he was talking about an actual car show happening right in the middle of Dallas. He said a name for it, but I can't remember. I'll get back with you on that.

Let me know about the show too....

maybe its the one i was told about and mentioned to you guys weeks ago,but can`t remember the name.....darn,i`m getting old......:eek: