bertone emblem


True Classic
Since my trunk badges are faded to crap, I made fiat ones out of paper and stuck 'em on. They looked pretty good and lasted longer than I thought they would. Here's a Bertone one for consideration. I "think" it's pretty accurate and about the right size. Hope to print off and "rebadge" my '81 some day.
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Sure, NOW you tell me.
I made these smaller, to fit inside the Fiat wreath, not that i like that look but my sinister plan is to reuse the wreaths and replace the center. Maybe color laser on good paper, coat with protectant, stick down on the old badge and encase in......resin? Or bullnose it.

Here's some more.

hmmmm pdf killed the X 1/9 logo/shadows/color, oh well, back to work
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I was jazzed when I saw that they had reproduced them but then I realized the type was not like the original badge. It is a head-scratcher that they would go to all the trouble to re-create them but then not make them 100% correct... It's close though.