Best of?

Half and Half (and Half?)

The original Best Of on N54 was nothing more than a static 'links list' collecting a number of the "best of" discussions (both tech and non) posted to Xweb over the years... and incidentally it probably would never have even existed if N54 had ever had a usable search engine... but that's another tale...

The idea for 'Son Of' was to try to take the 'Best Of' concept (of gathering really good stuff up in one place, but static) and make it more 'alive' or dynamic, and/or to make it more something of a user-involved collaborative effort...

This then sort of merged over time with a second separate idea which was to host some kind of online "tech" resource, such as a de-facto online X1/9 workshop manual, where we could pull together all the various tech resources for shop work that are not only on Xweb's archives but also other sites around the web, plus offline stuff like scanned tech manual pages or whatnot.

Then there is a third idea floating around which was some kind of documentary/historical resource, to pull together non-tech (but still worthy of documentation/presentation) data like historical background info on the cars, production history, design info, etc etc.

So looking at all this and considering a way to kind of "roll it up" into one big happy online resource that Xweb could host, the idea was put forth several times by a number of different users that we should just put together a 'comprehensive' X1/9 WIKI... so that's the plan.

Exactly/specifically "how" that wiki will take shape is going to be, for the most part, up to the users here who will contribute to and create and shape it as it evolves and develops. Personally I am envisioning it as something that would be "one wiki" but perhaps broken down into a few different "main" sections up front, a technical body of knowledge, a non-technical body of knowledge, and then perhaps an old school style 'best of' links list for archived Xweb topics too.

These are all just early conceptual ideas at the moment. We are getting pretty close though to setting up the bare wiki (at this point it seems more and more likely we'll just go with the mediawiki software, in spite of its non-native -to vb- posting language etc, and just do single-sign-on for logging into both systems at once) and once that's up, what we'll probably do is make it such that any logged in user can do edits in it, but then, also have a specific team of 'wiki mods' who in their free time can scan/monitor/approve/revert users' changes and so on.

That's pretty much the "status report" on the Best Of / Wiki for the moment... we are looking to set up the software at some point in the not-too-distant future though, so stay tuned, and as always, any/all comments are most welcome :)
Sounds like a plan

Good ideas for the X-wiki ... newer folks just need to know that old resource is out there behind the curtains. Lots of VERY good info.
