Can I bum a CarFax off anyone?


True Classic
Is this the right forum to post this request? Apologies in advance if anyone objects.

Would like to run this VIN:


for a 2002 Ford Econoline E150.....any help is much appreciated!
No. I do not support the Creapy Guy in the Creapy Van that will become if you buy this vehicle. No I will not condone you buying or driving this...........You Bum....:boxing:
you guys are great

I guess I set myself up really nice for that one :p

Actually, I see they changed their pricing on these things? Didn't it used to be like $20 for 30 days and unlimited reports? Now there are only 2 choices starting at $35. It's been a while....I guess these are a premium!

I'm helping a friend set up a production studio and we're searching for a van to customize for gigs and on-set, rolling production. Guess we'll pony up the fee.
Cool Van Man........
