Can Tony spot the alarming news for Californians?


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... and one Santa Claritan, in particular... granted... it is mixed in with some good news, but...

From FLU:

"Ricambi editor Brett Melancon used Jim’s 500 as a daily commuter for several weeks during the time when gas hit $4 per gallon just after FFO08. Brett got an amazing 44+ MPG in spite of his well known heavy right foot. During the “One lap of America” tour, Jim reported a whopping 68 MPG on the way from Sacramento to San Francisco, with emission levels that are almost as clean as the Toyota Prius. Just wait until Madam Speaker Nancy Pelosi and the greenie environmental lobbyists find out about the Fiat 500! It’s entirely possible that the 500 could be seen by the nation’s leadership as a car that could help solve global warming, along with solar panels, windmills and the latest, banning black vehicles in California. The 500 will most likely be built in Mexico, unless some of your children’s and grand children’s money is used to subsidize an existing American based factory."
Well... No, As a Santa Claritian, unlike Santa Clarians...

... I'm kept in the dark.

I believe Rudy reported 53, or was it 43 mpg on his trip from Newport CA to the deep south.

BTW... are you ever gonna "come out" or is it "Paulie Noodles" forever?

I must admit... I shy away from the NFC crap as much as possible.. and have also noted you've been a rather good boy also. So... can we officially welcome you back or are you gonna stay "in drag" for a while longer?
You sure you read that, Tony?

"... as a car that could help solve global warming, along with solar panels, windmills and the latest, banning black vehicles in California." :shock:

I've signed off on a few posts, but I don't wish to be the cause for a palpable wail or witness a gnashing of teeth. Those days are behind me. I've been domesticated and I enjoy, appreciate and have the utmost respect for so many of my fellow X-heads .

Brad (formerly banned in all but Britain)
Banned in ALL of California... or is the North seceding???

Yes, I read it, but didn't know that was the ISSUE you were focusing on... as it affects ALL of CA, not just us Santa Claritians.

BUT... Our friggin' City Council will probably grab this and RUN striving to be the FIRST community to jump on this ridiculous band-wagon and make it ILLEGAL within the City Limits and then have no means to ENFORCE it.

Since the premise is that BLACK vehicles consume more fuel due to a higher load on their A/C sytems than let us say, lighter colored cars... I would then therfore assume that BLACK cars without A/C would not be included. Sounds almost like DISCRIMINATION to me. Can I also conclude that BLACK people demand more A/C than lighter colored folks???

Maybe I could place stickers all over the car like a friggin' Prius or sumthun' claiming my exemption!


And OK... It's Paulie from now on!
Hey Tony......
Now you can play the race card!!!!!!

Rememebr the term a few years back "Driving While Black"?
"You're just stopping em because I'm black" can apply to you if that ever becomes law! I smell a "profiling" lawsuit!
It's just that

you're the only Californian I know who drives a beautiful, black X. The rest of us brethren and sistren (?) drive red, green, yellow or BLUE models.

There is nothing a California politician can do that would surprise me.

Amen to that. I'm a firm believer that if any utterly rediculous law, policy, ludicrous idea, flavor of the month, or just plain dumb passing notion ever comes around then it's spawning point is either in California or New York. I mean, really, don't we have bigger fish to fry? No offense to New Yorkers or Californians here, of course. Then of course a bunch of other states end up adopting the same thing, wanting to be among the "big boys". What a bunch of automatons. TONS of followers in this country, but VERY FEW leaders.

Here in Texas the big thing is trying to ban smoking in bars. I mean these politicians really have their priorities straightened out *sarcasm overload*. Oh yeah, NO other issues that require their immediate attention....nope. Hey wait, didn't that policy get spawned in California years and years ago? :fart:
SciFi, I'd wager if one would

trace the origin of the Texas smoking ban, it would most likely have originated with a transplanted Californian. Just a hunch. :wink2: