colortune? i knwo you use it...


Thai with a 78 in MN
what size kit do i need? im trying to take the guesswork out of monkeying with my dcnf's.. hehe
The standard Colortune kit with the high tension extension and view scope should have everything you need to use it on an X...

In my opinion the Colortune device is one of those tools that's fun and interesting to use, but I question its real value. I bought mine quite a few years ago, use it occasionally, but it spends most of its time in the box. I never found it any more accurate at carb tuning than the old-fashioned "lean-drop" method where all you need is a good tach (or ear). Also, it obviously can't be used under load so its limited to idle mixture checks.

...and its not a substitute for a CO meter, so its not very good for emissions tuning (although it will put you in the ballpark, but as I've already said you could probably do just as well by ear).

The last time I saw a price, they were in the $50 - $60 range... personally I think that amount could be better spent elsewhere.
Don't bother

I bought one years ago for the IDFs on my spider. It's fiddly, hard to use and generally was a waste of my time and money. Also, it's really only good for idle and as noted you can do that by ear or with a tach.
What he said....

I completely agree with what the other have said here, best bet is to set it up so the car is drivable and then take it to a decent garage to have it tuned

Got mine out the box a couple of weeks ago and all I achieved was some mild electrocution (HT power probably should have killed me, should probably replace my coil :S)