Console bulb replacement


True Classic
How do I replace the bulb from the center console? It it the bulb that you can dim and light up the hazard, interior and defrost switches.

Do I pop out that pannel (if so how, with a small screw driver) or do I have to take the entire console out and replace from the back?

On an early 1300 model..

I believe I got to it from the passenger side, reaching behind the console. Single bulb mount for the fiber light strands.

Haven't touched the interior of a later model, sorry... hope this helps a little!
Late model similar...

I find it easier to worry out the center switch panel and reach down in from above.
If its a later model...

Reach behind and push out the switch panel with all the switches... and then reach in from the front for the bulb. (I think... its been about 10 years...)

These switches have fiber-optics from the ONE bulb to light them.
As far as any later car i've ever had.

Only the dimmer on the later model will have a fiber optic running to it.

The other switches in that panel are capless bulbs. Once you've popped the panel out of the center console it's a case of pushing the desired switch out of it's hole and popping the cap off of it. There's then a plastic holder in the middle of the switch, pull this out and it will contain the bulb.