EFI pump rubber insulators/mounts


Daily Driver
The little rubber spools / insulators that mount my fuel pump have returned to the great Fiat cloud in the sky....

I know they're cheap, but as a minimalist I'm wondering how much noise the pump really makes without them?

I know the facet-style square pumps will drum ya to death, but the cylindrical ones are usually pretty quiet....?
Bolt it up solid and see if ya like it...

You can always isolate it again...

BTW... our 124 friend, the Ventura Ace, tried to quiet his pump down even further by wrapping the pump up in some sort of insulating material.

He got about 100 miles when it crapped out. Fortunately, he had a spare and a NAPA store had a universal that would work for another spare... and he reinstalled it with just the isolators... leaving off the other insulating material. Then he ran across the entire country and back without any other problems.


Just shows ta go ya...
i dont know, i dont think thats all that expensive. remenber were driving baby ferraris. damn i know i spelled that wrong
vibrations, etc

I would be concerned with vibrations to the pump itself and the torque as it starts and stops.I think it would be far easier on the pump with the rubbers? Parts supply are not easily available here.