Engine website???

good day , I am searching for an website that can direct me to ordering an engine for my x....does anyone know of such websites? this would be of great help...Website should contain info on engine ( price , performance etc.) Thnx alot!!!:hrmph:

Your location may make it a bit difficult.

Any of of the vendors who post on this site would be able to help, but the cost might not be great (shipping, import, etc)

Check with your local Fiat dealer. If you are looking for a 1300 block, have them order the Uno Mk1 block. Or order the entire thing for more zip!

Otherwise, in no particular order...


and there are a couple of others as well which I am forgetting...


Thnx everyone, this was a greaT DEAl of help ...One last question...what do you guys think would be the best motor for my x if i want to do some drag etc...I want a tuned up engine...but i do not know what engine would be the best...:dead:
If you are looking for pure speed

I would guess a supercharged K20 engine transplant would be the way to go. With honda/acuras being so popular with the tuner crowd, you should have plenty of options for go fast bolt ons and NOS to easily build the engine into a high HP monster.